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"History of Eau Claire County Wisconsin, 1914, Past and Present" Chapter 41 - Germanism by Reinhold Liebau Biographies (-as transcribed from pages 556 - 573) The following biographies are of members of the German Societies. Names have been alphabetized to enable researchers to more easily find who they are looking for. Page numbers where the actual bio appeared have been provided under each bio. +++++ Charles Acker was born in Posen, Germany, and came to America in 1882 and lived in Eau Claire county ever since. -Transcribed from the "History of Eau Claire County Wisconsin, 1914," page 558 +++++ Leonhard Ludwig Arnold, born September 25, 1844, at Michelstadt, Hessen Darmstadt, Germany. Came to America by steamer Atlanta from London, England in 1865, and to Eau Claire, in Eau Claire county, in 1868. He was a millwright and building contractor by trade. Several times he lost all his property by floods and fire. For many years was a member of the German singing society "Germania," and of the "Herman Soehne." He was married in May, 1868, to Marie Schuhmacher, who was born in 1842 at Offenbach, Germany. He married a second time in July, 1884, Bertha Ulrich, who was born in 1858 in Germany and came to Eau Claire county in 1884. They had eight daughters and one son. The latter, named Louis George, being born in 1887, was a graduate of the Eau Claire high school and of the University of Wisconsin. Served four years as city engineer of the city of Chippewa Falls and lives now at Eau Claire, a civil engineer. -Transcribed from the "History of Eau Claire County Wisconsin, 1914," pages 556 - 557 +++++ Wilhelm Arnold, born in 1841 at Michelstadt, Hessen Darmstadt, Germany. Came to Eau Claire county in 1864. Lived in the city of Eau Claire ever since, following his trade as a mason. Married to Susanne Schuhmacher, who was born in 1843 and died at Eau Claire, May, 1914. They had five children, of which three are living. A son, Fred Arnold, is a veteran of the Spanish-American War of 1898. Is a lawyer and practicing his profession in the city of Eau Claire and has held the office of district attorney for ten years. He belongs to the F. R. A. and Free Masons and also is a member of the German singing society "Germania" in the city of Eau Claire. In 1905 he married Miss Louise Moessner. In 1913 he was elected president of the Eau Claire county branch of the German-American National Alliance. -Transcribed from the "History of Eau Claire County Wisconsin, 1914," page 557 +++++ John Jacob Auer was born June 12, 1847, in Unterhallau, Switzerland. Started for America in 1865. Came to New York, April, 1866. Lived at Washington, District of Columbia, and Durand, Wisconsin. Was teacher of the German language and bandmaster and engaged in a number of enterprises, and since 1892 has been managing editor of the German paper "Der Herold" at Eau Claire. Served as city treasurer at Durand, Wisconsin, in 1887, and as assessor, park commissioner and member of police and fire commission. Has for many years been an active member of Odd Fellows and Maccabees, also of the German singing society "Germania." Married a second time February 6, 1883, Miss Louisa Kneer, of Eau Claire, Wisconsin. Two sons, Frank and Norman, both following the printing trade. -Transcribed from the "History of Eau Claire County Wisconsin, 1914," pages 557 - 558 +++++ August Bartig, born at Wolsko, Germany, August 5, 1838, came to America in 1864. He married, in 1868, Miss Louise Schroeder, who was born November 17, 1848, at Putzig, Germany, and came to America in 1863. They settled at Ripon, Wis., where Mr. Bartig followed his trade as a carpenter. They moved to Augusta in 1870. For several years Mr. Bartig had run a saloon, then engaged in the farm implement business. He died in 1905. His wife still lives at Augusta. They had nine children, of whom seven are living. A son, Henry Bartig, was born January 9, 1869, at Ripon, Wis.; came with his parents to Augusta in 1870; studied in the Augusta high school and has been since confidential clerk in a general department store at Augusta. He married Bertha Ernstine Menge in 1895. As a side line in business Mr. Bartig has been a successful breeder of fancy poultry for the past eight years. -Transcribed from the "History of Eau Claire County Wisconsin, 1914," page 564 +++++ William Bartig was born December 7, 1859, at Wolsko, Prussia, Germany. His parents were both born at the same place and were Christoph Bartig and Louis (Wahrman) Bartig. He came to America and settled in Eau Claire county in 1882 and has followed farming ever since. Married April 22, 1888, Miss Augusta Lange, of Eau Claire city. They have six children: William, Arthur, Walter, Ruth, Herman and Henry. -Transcribed from the "History of Eau Claire County Wisconsin, 1914," page 558 +++++ John Werner Becker, born in 1825, at Hildesheim, Germany; came to America in 1855 and to Eau Claire county in 1857, where he worked at his trade as a cabinetmaker until his death in 1884. Mr. Becker married in 1859. His wife was formerly Miss Loretta Freyermuth, born in 1835, at Gross Rederohingen, Loraine, at that time a French province, but since the German-French war of 1870-71 belongs to Germany. She died in 1906. Of their eight children three still live in Eau Claire county and in the city of Eau Claire. They are Mrs. A. P. Goethel, Mrs. Albert Schwahn and Miss Loretta Becker. -Transcribed from the "History of Eau Claire County Wisconsin, 1914," page 566 +++++ Carl Heinrich Bergman was born in Sachsen, Germany, December 9, 1855. Came to Eau Claire in 1880. His trade is miller and millwright. Owns a grain and feed elevator, a good number of real estate properties and has a thriving business. He was married in 1883 to Emilie Portig, who was born in 1868, also in Sachsen, Germany. -Transcribed from the "History of Eau Claire County Wisconsin, 1914," page 559 +++++ Charles Betz was born in 1831 in Wuertemberg, Germany. He came to this country in 1849 and to Eau Claire county in 1858, where he has since lived on his farm in the town of Brunswick. He married in 1872 Emma Betz and they had four children. For many years he was a member of the school board. -Transcribed from the "History of Eau Claire County Wisconsin, 1914," page 561 +++++ George Martin Betz, born March 29, 1838, in Wuertemberg, Germany. Came to America in 1853 and to Eau Claire county in 1857, where he still lives on his farm in the town of Brunswick. He served as sergeant in Company G, Forty-eighth Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry, from February 14 until December 13, 1865. Was for twenty-six years a member of school board in his district and is still a member of the German singing society "Germania" at Eau Claire. He married in 1860 Lomira Noyes, and after her death he remarried in 1873 Emma Saupe. Had fourteen children. His eldest son, Frank, owns the biggest factory of surgical instrument in the world at Hammond, Indiana. -Transcribed from the "History of Eau Claire County Wisconsin, 1914," page 560 +++++ Julius Blasius was born in 1862, in Posen, Germany; came to America in 1880, and to Eau Claire county, where he followed his trade as a butcher in the city of Eau Claire. He served one term as a supervisor, is a member of the Knights of Maccabees, of the Odd Fellows, the German singing society, "Germania," and the German-American Society. In 1885 he was married to Miss Louise Sommercorn, who was born in 1867 in Dodge County. -Transcribed from the "History of Eau Claire County Wisconsin, 1914," pages 565 - 566 +++++ Friedrich Carl Bleichrodt, born at Ziegelroda, Germany, June 12, 1839. Came to Eau Claire county in 1879 and settled on a farm in the town of Washington. Since 1904 he has lived in the city of Altoona. He is a veteran of the German-Austria war of 1866, being in five battles. He married, in 1867, Mrs. Charlotte Fischer, and had three children. Richard, born in 1868, and at present a carpenter and contractor at Altoona. Ida, who married the farmer, Finlayson, and Bruno, who also is a farmer. All three of them in Eau Claire county. -Transcribed from the "History of Eau Claire County Wisconsin, 1914," pages 563 - 564 +++++ Ferdinand Boernke was born in 1830, in Pommern, Germany; came to America in 1855 and to Eau Claire county in 1881, and settled near Fall Creek on a farm where he has lived since. He married Miss Albertine Profahl, who was born in Germany in 1826. They had six children, three of them still live in Eau Claire county: Julius, Herman and Mathilde, the latter being now Mrs. Rohrer. Mr. Ferdinand Boernke died ???? and Mrs. Boernke died in ????. -Transcribed from the "History of Eau Claire County Wisconsin, 1914," page 570 +++++ Herman Boernke was a son of Mr. and Mrs. Ferdinand Boernke, born in Pommern, Germany, in 1850; came to Eau Claire county in 1881; engaged in hardware business and later became a photographer. He works still in that trade. In 1873 he married Albertine Breitenfeld, who also was of German descent. -Transcribed from the "History of Eau Claire County Wisconsin, 1914," page 570 +++++ Julius Boernke was born in 1852; came to America in 1855 with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ferdinand Boernke, and in 1881 settled on a farm near Fall Creek. Since 1908 he has retired and lives in the village of Fall Creek. He was married in 1874 to Miss Albertin Mathwich, who was born in Westpreussen, germany, in 1853. Of their eight children five live in Eau Claire county: Julius, Henry and Rudolph are farmers; Edward is a harnessmaker in Fall Creek, and Liddy lives iwth her parents. Mr. Julius Boernke was school treasurer for twelve years and town treasurer for two years. -Transcribed from the "History of Eau Claire County Wisconsin, 1914," page 570 +++++ John Brunner was born in 1848, in Germany. Came to America and Eau Claire county in 1872, locating in the city of Eau Claire, where he has followed his trade, that of a tailor. He is a member of the "Germania" Singing Society of Eau Claire, and also of the German-American Society of Eau Claire county. -Transcribed from the "History of Eau Claire County Wisconsin, 1914," page 563 +++++ Carl Devner, a farmer, was born in west Prussia, Germany, March 20, 1854. Came to this country in 1881 and settled on a farm in the town of Ludington. Moved to the city of Eau Claire in 1909, where he has since lived as a very successful truck farmer. He married, in 1871, Miss Wilhelmine Krueger, also born in west Prussia, Germany, and who died in 1891. Remarried in 1893, to Miss Emilie Desmer. Mr. Devner served several terms as supervisor in the town of Ludington. -Transcribed from the "History of Eau Claire County Wisconsin, 1914," page 563 +++++ Carl Otto Fischer was born August 21, 1862 in Saxony, Germany. His parents were Carl and Charlotte Fischer, who came to Eau Claire county in July, 1879. Carl Otto settled on a farm in the town of Washington and has lived there since. Was married to Rosine Prill in 1884, who died in 1911. Remarried to Elsie Marie Volkman in 1913. He served as town supervisor, road commissioner, town chairman and town clerk. Is secretary and manager of the Washington creamery and secretary and treasurer of the Farmers' Co-operative Produce Company at Eau Claire. -Transcribed from the "History of Eau Claire County Wisconsin, 1914," page 558 +++++ Herman Gerke was born in 1860 at Pommern, Germany. Came to America in 1872 and to Eau Claire county in 1878. He always followed his trade as a cigarmaker and is a member of the German Singing Society and the German-American Society in the city of Eau Claire. -Transcribed from the "History of Eau Claire County Wisconsin, 1914," page 563 +++++ Albert P. Goethel, born in 1859, at Indianapolis, was the son of Mr. Chas. F. and Amelia Goethel, who were of German descent. In 1877 he came to the city of Eau Claire and worked in the saddlery trade for eight years. Then he started a meat market at Altoona, Eau Claire county. After five years he came back to Eau Claire and conducts a flourishing meat market there. Mr. Goethel is a member of the Knights of Pythias and John Barr Glenn Division No. 10. In 1886 he married Miss Anna Becker. -Transcribed from the "History of Eau Claire County Wisconsin, 1914," pages 566 - 567 +++++ Chas. F. Goethel, a brother of the former, was born at Chippewa Falls, in 1861. He learned the butcher trade and since 1884 has been in partnership with his brother, Albert P., at Eau Claire. He is a member of the Knights of Pythias and also of John Barr Glenn Division No. 10. -Transcribed from the "History of Eau Claire County Wisconsin, 1914," page 567 +++++ John Ernest Henning, born June 13, 1845, in Germany. Attended the public school in Marquette county. Came to Eau Claire county in 1878, where he still is engaged in general farming and stock raising. Served seven years as town constable and belongs to the "Temperance Union." Was married to Minnie Krueger in 1870. Have five children : Wilhelm, Henry and Herman are farmers, Ernest is a railroad man and Louise hotel superintendent. -Transcribed from the "History of Eau Claire County Wisconsin, 1914," page 559 +++++ Christoph Heuer and his wife, Henrietta, came from Pommern, Germany, in 1887, and settled on a farm near Fall creek, where Mr. Heuer still lives. He was born in 1832. His wife died in 1891. Their two sons, Wilhelm, born in 1860 at Bromberg Pommern, and Frank, born in 1868, at Bromberg, Pommern, who came with their parents to this country in 1887, have always worked on the railroad as section laborers and both are now section foremen and live at Fall Creek. -Transcribed from the "History of Eau Claire County Wisconsin, 1914," page 571 +++++ Albert August Hoehn was born May 4, 1862, in Neuwedle, Brandenburg, Germany. Lived as farmer in the town of Washington. Served for four years as town supervisor, nine years as town chairman and has for twelve years been town assessor, also president of the Bracket Co-operative Creamery Company for nine years. Came to Eau Claire county in 1880. Married to Emma Mathwig in 1888. Have two children. -Transcribed from the "History of Eau Claire County Wisconsin, 1914," page 559 +++++ Ferdinand Hoeppner was born June 14, 1848, in Schleisien, Germany. Came to Eau Claire county, 1880, and settled in the city of Eau Claire, where he has since lived. For ten years he followed his trade as a blacksmith, then engaged himself in manufacturing trunks and traveling bags, and is at present vice-president of the Eau Claire Trunk Co. He is a member of the German singing society, "Germania," and of the Maccabees. Received his business education in the commons schools of Germany. 1872 he married Miss Marie Wolf, who was born August 3, 1849, in Germany. They had three children, of which Clara is the wife of Mr. William E. Wahl, president of the Eau Claire Trunk Co. Both sons, Willy and George, are members of the same company, also owners of the Eau Claire Sweat Pad Manufacturing Co. -Transcribed from the "History of Eau Claire County Wisconsin, 1914," pages 561 - 562 +++++ John Honadel, born in 1834, at Darmstadt, Germany; came to America in 1852; traveled in fourteen states, and 1862 settled on a farm in the town of Lincoln, where he has prospered and since lived. From 1862 he served in the Thirtieth Wisconsin Regiment, Company I, over three years. In 1861 he married Anna Roseman, who died in 1866. Then he married Miss Anna Geske and they had ten children. -Transcribed from the "History of Eau Claire County Wisconsin, 1914," page 567 +++++ George C. Huebner, born at Gardelegen, Germany; came form Europe in 1865 and was connected with different business enterprises. Up to 1884 he was partner in the leading hardware house of the city of Eau Claire. Mr. Huebner is a member of the Knights of Pythias and the Odd Fellows. In 1878 he married Miss Adelina Weyer, also of German descent. -Transcribed from the "History of Eau Claire County Wisconsin, 1914," page 567 +++++ Frank Xavier Ihle was born in Wuertemberg, Germany, in 1837, and came to the city of Eau Claire, where he has lived since, as a carpenter and musician. He served one term as a justice of the peace. In 1860 he married Christine Roessler, who was born in 1849, in Polk county. Of their thirteen children Frank is a druggist, John a traveling agent, Ed a dentist and Leo a farmer. -Transcribed from the "History of Eau Claire County Wisconsin, 1914," page 564 +++++ Reinhard Ihle was born in Wuertemberg, Germany, in 1828. Came to Eau Claire in 1847 and lived in the town of Seymour as a farmer; served as a soldier in the civil war in 1865. Died February, 1914. -Transcribed from the "History of Eau Claire County Wisconsin, 1914," page 564 +++++ William Jakob and his wife Henriette Jakob, were both born at Rumelsburg, Germany. Both came together to Eau Claire county in 1857 and settled on a farm in the town of Washington. Their son Julius Ludwig Jakob still lives on the old farm, where he was born February 20, 1864, and is a member of the district school board No. 7. -Transcribed from the "History of Eau Claire County Wisconsin, 1914," page 560 +++++ Charles Keiser was born in Saxony, Germany, January 22, 1862. Came to America in 1873 and settled in Waukesha county, Wisconsin. Then came to Eau Claire county in 1885. His parents were born at same place in Germany and came to this country and county same time. His father was Frederick Keiser and his mother's name was Amalie Bertram. The latter is still living in Eau Claire county. He married Miss Julie L. Welke February 21, 1889. They have three children: Martha, Emma and Arthur. Mr. Keiser served as district clerk, agent and director of Fall Creek Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Company, and director of Pleasant Valley Creamery Company. He owns and works a nice farm in the town of Pleasant Valley. -Transcribed from the "History of Eau Claire County Wisconsin, 1914," page 558 +++++ Friedrich Klawiter, born in 1827 in Posen, Germany. Came to Eau Claire in 1872. Two sons, Wilhelm and Herman, machinists, and Fritz, a mason. All of them except Hermann still live in Eau Claire county. -Transcribed from the "History of Eau Claire County Wisconsin, 1914," page 558 +++++ Samuel Kleiner was born in 1853, in Switzerland; came to Eau Claire and started a meat market. In 1885 he bought farm land in Eau Claire and Chippewa counties, raised Norman horses, Cotswold sheep and Poland China swine. Mr. Kleiner was one of the largest farmers of Eau Claire county and when he died in 1889 he owned more than a thousand acres of land. In 1878 he married Miss Elizabeth Accola, from Sauk county, Wis., who also came from German ancestors. -Transcribed from the "History of Eau Claire County Wisconsin, 1914," page 567 +++++ John Konz, born in 1844, in the Rheinprovinz, Germany, came to this country in 1861, and to this county in 1874. He has always been a farmer near Augusta, where he still resides. He held the office as road commissioner and is a veteran of the civil war. He served from 1864 to 1865 in the 43rd Illinois Infantry, Company F. In 1868 he married Miss Franziska Krisch, who was born in 1852, in Bohemia, Germany. Two sons, of whom John is a blacksmith at Osseo and Walter a farmer on his father's place. -Transcribed from the "History of Eau Claire County Wisconsin, 1914," page 565 +++++ Andrew Kopp, born in Westenberg, Germany, in 1824; came to America in 1844, and to Eau Claire county in 1854, and settled in the town of Brunswick on several hundred acres of land. He served one year, 1865, in the army, Company G, of the 48th Wisconsin Infantry. Mr. Kopp was married in 1842 to Augusta Lumke and they had ten children. Mr. Kopp died in 1887. -Transcribed from the "History of Eau Claire County Wisconsin, 1914," page 567 +++++ William Korn, born March 27, 1829, at Wisson on the Sieg, District Coblenz, Germany. Lost his parents in 1840 when eleven years old. Came to America in 1852 and to Eau Claire county in 1858, where he still lives in the city of Eau Claire. He was a tailor by trade. In 1860 he married Catherine Stumm, who was born at Trier, Germany. They had four sons, who live at Eau Claire. -Transcribed from the "History of Eau Claire County Wisconsin, 1914," page 556 +++++ Frank Carl Lanua was born March 26, 1859, at Koenigsberg, Germany; came to America in 1872. Visited in a number of the southern states, where he mostly was connected in the lumber trade. Came to Eau Claire in 1883, worked for several lumber companies as grader, checker and salesman. In 1901 he moved to Fall Creek, where he is running a lumber yard of his own under the firm name of The Fall Creek Lumber Co. He married, June, 1884, Miss Augusta Arnsdorf. Two children, Ida Lanua and Mrs. Minnie Carlson. -Transcribed from the "History of Eau Claire County Wisconsin, 1914," page 571 +++++ Erich Leidiger was born March 31, 1832, in Saxony, Germany. His wife was Anna Stallman, born October 3, 1833, in Hannover, Germany. Both came to Eau Claire county in 1860 and settled on a farm in the town of Lincoln, where they lived up to 1885; when they sold the farm to their son, William Ernst Leidiger, who lives there today. Both parents live at present at Fairchild and are still well and hearty. -Transcribed from the "History of Eau Claire County Wisconsin, 1914," page 556 +++++ Herman Leipnitz was born at Wurzen, Germany, January 28, 1860. Came to this country and the city of Eau Claire in 1883, where he has followed his trade as a cabinetmaker ever since. He married, in 1883, Minna Bertha Heimstaedt, also born in Germany. They own nice private property. -Transcribed from the "History of Eau Claire County Wisconsin, 1914," pages 562 - 563 +++++ Reinhold Liebau was born August 16, 1848, on his father's farm at Koerlitz, a small village in the kingdom of Saxony, Germany. He received his only education in the common school of that little village, lost his parents when 18 years old, served three years in the Germany army and fought in the war between France and Germany in 1870-71. For a number of years he lived in several German cities as a musician and working at several other trades, when he decided to go back on the farm. In 1887 he came to this country and lived in the city of Eau Claire. He is at present the secretary of the Eau Claire county branch of the "National German-American Alliance of the United States of America." He also is a member of the German singing society, "Germania," and at present the secretary and musical leader of that society. In public he served as school commissioner, road commissioner, town supervisor, town clerk and county supervisor. For six years he served as secretary of the farmers' American Society of Equity. In 1873 he married Miss Marie Anna Uhlisch, who was born October 14, 1850, at Dresden, Germany. They had six children, of whom four are living. Mrs. Liebau died October 8, 1908. Their son, Paul, lives in the city of Eau Claire, where he follows the profession of a musician and piano tuner and music teacher. He was born January 30, 1884, at Bautzen, Germany; came with his parents to this country and lived with them on the farm. In 1901 he joined a band in the city of Eau Claire and is at present the leader of the Wisconsin State Band of that city. -Transcribed from the "History of Eau Claire County Wisconsin, 1914," page 572 +++++ Wilhelm Madinski was born October 22, 1856, Hirschberg, Germany; came to Eau Claire county, 1883, and followed his trade as a painter, and now conducts a hardware store of his own in the city of Eau Claire. He attended a high school at Hirschberg, Germany. He married, 1882, Miss Alwine Rose, who was born May 18th, at Colberg, Schlesien, Germany. -Transcribed from the "History of Eau Claire County Wisconsin, 1914," page 561 +++++ Michael Marten, born in 1831, in Posen, Germany. Immigrated to this country in 1857 and settled on a farm in the town of Lincoln. He died in 1906, aged 75 years. His wife was Caroline Teal, also born in Posen, Germany, in 1836. She died in 1911, also aged 75 years. Their son, Wilhelm Marten, was born in 1866, in the town of Lincoln, on the old homestead, where he resides. He is the director of a local telephone company; serves as school clerk and for several years has been town chairman and county supervisor. He married, in 1893, Miss Emilie Welke, who was born in the town of Lincoln, in 1872. -Transcribed from the "History of Eau Claire County Wisconsin, 1914," page 565 +++++ August Messerschmidt, born January 18, 1850, at Posen, Germany. Came to Eau Claire county in 1870 and settled on a farm in the town of Lincoln, where he has since lived. He married Emilia Sell and they had seven children. Three of them -- Rudolph, Otto and Emil -- are evangelical pastors. -Transcribed from the "History of Eau Claire County Wisconsin, 1914," page 560 +++++ William Miller and Ernestine (Laube) Miller were both born in Germany, married in 1863 and came to American the same year. Came to Fall Creek, Eau Claire county, in 1868. Mrs. Miller died in 1884, and Mr. Miller remarried in 1885. Mr. Miller was born at Lippen, Germany. They had twelve children, of whom William still lives at Fall Creek. He was born at Chicago, in 1867, and came with his parents to this county in 1868. Was farmer until 1906, then engaged in a lumberyard at Fall creek. Married, in 1895, to Miss Bertha Louise Henke. They have two children. -Transcribed from the "History of Eau Claire County Wisconsin, 1914," page 563 +++++ William H. Miller was born in 1828, in Northampton county, Pa., of German descent, the son of Jacob and Lydia (Flyck) Miller. His father was born in 1791 and served during the war of 1812; died 1866. His mother was born in 1796 and died at the age of 90 years. Mr. Miller was the first white settler of this county and has followed farming all his life and is a prominent grower of high-grade horses, cattle and sheep on his farm near Fairchild. His wife was formerly Miss Jane Hobart, who was born in 1838, in Portage county, Ohio. -Transcribed from the "History of Eau Claire County Wisconsin, 1914," pages 567 - 568 +++++ Friedrich Wilhelm Mueller, born April 16, 1840, at Lipin, Bromberg, Germany. Came to Eau Claire county in 1869 and settled on a farm in town of Lincoln and lived there ever since. In 1909 he gave the farm to his son August Mueller. He married in 1863 Miss Friederike Ernestine Laube. Remarried in 1885 Henriette Sich. Had eleven children. -Transcribed from the "History of Eau Claire County Wisconsin, 1914," page 560 +++++ John C. Neher, druggist in the city of Eau Claire was born at Sauk City, Sauk county, in 1857; of German descent. His parents came from Germany in 1852 and to Eau Claire in 1861, where they died. Mr. John C. Neher learned at first the trade of bookbinder, then studied photography and finally entered in the drug business. For many years he conducted a flourishing drug business in the city of Eau Claire, from which he retired in 1910. Since 1911 he has been state druggist inspector. In 1885 he was married to Miss Josephine Sturm, who also is a native of Wisconsin; from German descent. -Transcribed from the "History of Eau Claire County Wisconsin, 1914," page 568 +++++ Gottfried W. Paul, born August 19, 1857, in Geisig, Prussia, Germany. Served as city treasurer of the city of Augusta for eleven years and as president of the school board for six years. Is a member of the Masonic lodge and lodge of Modern Woodmen. He married Jennie Howe at Black Earth, Dane county, Wisconsin, in 1879. Came to Augusta, Eau Claire county, in 1881, and has lived there ever since, and is engaged in real estate and insurance business. -Transcribed from the "History of Eau Claire County Wisconsin, 1914," page 559 +++++ Carl Pehlke and his wife Johanna Pehlke, both born in Germany, came to Eau Claire county in 1882, and settled on a farm, where Mr. Pehlke died in 1906. His wife still lives on that farm. Their son, Henry Albert Pehlke, born in 1858, lives on same farm. He married in 1885, Marie Auguste Wilhelmine Wamke. -Transcribed from the "History of Eau Claire County Wisconsin, 1914," page 563 +++++ William Prigge, born in 1864 in Hannover, Germany, came to Eau Claire county in 1886. -Transcribed from the "History of Eau Claire County Wisconsin, 1914," page 558 +++++ August Prill was born October 7, 1848, at Posen, Germany. He came to Eau Claire county in 1871 and settled in the city of Augusta, where he has since been engaged in the hotel business. He was married October 21, 1871, to Emilie Luedke, who was born at Bromberg, Germany. -Transcribed from the "History of Eau Claire County Wisconsin, 1914," page 572 +++++ Herman Frederick Prill, M. D., son of August and Emilie Prill, was born in Augusta, in 1875. He was educated in the Parochial and high school of Augusta. He took a four-year preparatory course in Concordia College at Springfield, Ill., and acquirred his medical education at the University of Minnesota and the Milwaukee Medical College, and attended the Polyclinic in Chicago. He is now actively engaged in the practice of his profession at Augusta. He served one term as alderman in his home city. He is a member of the American Medical Association, the Wisconsin State Medical Society, and the Eau Claire County Medical Society. He was married in October, 1903. -Transcribed from the "History of Eau Claire County Wisconsin, 1914," pages 572 - 573 +++++ August Pritzlaff, born in Pommern, Germany, 1850. Came to Eau Claire county in 1882 and lived since in the city of Eau Claire, where he followed his trade as a tailor. He has for many years been treasurer of the German Lutheran St. John's congregation. Married in 1877 Anna Kuchenbaecker, who was born in 1876 in Pommern, Germany. -Transcribed from the "History of Eau Claire County Wisconsin, 1914," page 557 +++++ Andrew Prueher, born in 1846, in Bohemia-Germany. Came to Eau Claire in 1871 and has since worked in the city at his trade as a watchmaker. He is a member of the Catholic knights. In 1874 he married Mary Brunner, who was also born at Bohemia-Germany. Of ten children, Andrew is also watchmaker and jeweler, Frank is a blacksmith and Joe is a machinist. -Transcribed from the "History of Eau Claire County Wisconsin, 1914," page 564 +++++ August Raatz, born in 1829, in Westpreussen, Germany; came to Eau Claire county in 1856 and settled on a farm near Fall Creek, where he still lives though retired. He was a soldier of the United States army during the civil war and was honorably mustered out. He married Miss Henriette Zamsow, who was born in 1829 in Westpreussen, Germany. They had two children, who live in Eau Claire county, ______ who is married to Henry Brehmel, a farmer in the town of Lincoln, and Herman Kaatz, who farms on the old homestead. The latter was born in 1870 in Lincoln county and in 1899 married Miss Helen Boernke, who is a daughter of Julius and Albertine (Mathwich) Boernke, and was born in 1880 in Wausau, Wis. -Transcribed from the "History of Eau Claire County Wisconsin, 1914," pages 570 - 571 +++++ Carl Friedrich Radke was born in 1847, in Germany; came to American in 1853, and to Eau Claire city in 1871, where he is still living. He married Augusta Schilling, of Fall Creek, Wis. -Transcribed from the "History of Eau Claire County Wisconsin, 1914," page 564 +++++ Geo. Michael Roessler, born in 1858, in Wuertemberg, Germany. Came to this county in 1885 and worked since in that city as a plumber and gasfitter. He is a member of the Brotherhood of Modern Woodmen and of the German-American Society. In 1885 he married Miss Catherine Bauer. -Transcribed from the "History of Eau Claire County Wisconsin, 1914," page 565 +++++ Fred Schiefelbein and his wife Emma (Schwenke) Schiefelbein, both born in Germany, came to Eau Claire county in 1884 and settled at Augusta. They started farming in 1888 on forty acres of land. They deeded the farm in 1900 to their son August Herman Schiefelbein, who was born August 16, 1873, in Germany, and came with his parents to Eau Claire county in 1884. He enlarge his property and now owns 315 acres of land. He served the town of Lincoln three years as assessor and since 1912 has held the position of secretary of the Fall Creek Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Company. He attended the common public school in the town of Lincoln. He married January 1, 1904, Emma Strasburg. -Transcribed from the "History of Eau Claire County Wisconsin, 1914," page 561 +++++ Herman Schlegelmilch was born in Suhl, Germany, in 1830. He learned the trade of gunmaker and followed that trade in many cities in Germany, and also in this country, to which he immigrated in 1853. Mr. Schlegelmilch came to Eau Claire county in 1860 and settled in the city of Eau Claire. He erected the first brick building in that city and conducted a very successful hardware business. He was supervisor of the village of Eau Claire and alderman when the city was incorporated. Mr. Schlegelmilch died in 1903. His wife, formerly Miss Augusta Krueger, was born at Mecklenburg-Schwerin, Germany. They were married at Beaver Dam, Wis., and had five children. Their son, Herman F. Schlegelmilch, was born in 1867. -Transcribed from the "History of Eau Claire County Wisconsin, 1914," page 566 +++++ Christof Schlosser was born in Rittersdorf, Germany, in 1856. He came to this country in 1878 and to the city of Eau Claire in 1883, where for many years he ran a hardware business in partnership with his brothers, Matthew and Peter. In 1882 he married Miss Loritte Boleman, who was born in 1858, at Eau Claire. Mr. Schlosser is a member of the Knights of Pythias and of the Odd Fellows. -Transcribed from the "History of Eau Claire County Wisconsin, 1914," page 568 +++++ Matthew Schlosser was born at Rittersdorf, Germany, in 1860. He came to America and to the city of Eau Claire in 1881. In 1889 he entered in partnership with his brothers, Christofer and Peter, and for many years they conducted a flourishing hardware business in Eau Claire. In 1888 he married Miss Cerhardine Radensleben, born in 1865. -Transcribed from the "History of Eau Claire County Wisconsin, 1914," page 568 +++++ Peter Schlosser was born in 1864, at Rittersdorf, Germany. In 1883 he immigrated to Eau Claire, and from 1889 he was in the hardware business with his brothers, Christofer and Matthew. Since 1896 he has been engaged in the insurance business. -Transcribed from the "History of Eau Claire County Wisconsin, 1914," page 568 +++++ Wilhelm Schnittke, born in Prussia, Germany, in 1840. Was soldier in German army and fought in the wars of 1866 and 1870-71. Came to America in 1873 and to Eau Claire county in 1891. Settled in the town of Pleasant Valley, on a farm, where he still lives. He married, in 1868, Friederike Schwolow, who also was born in Germany. -Transcribed from the "History of Eau Claire County Wisconsin, 1914," page 562 +++++ Christopher Schroeder, a mason by trade, came with his wife from Putzig, Germany, and settled at Ripon, Wis., in 1863. From there they moved to Augusta, where Mr. Schroeder died in 1900, at the age of 84 years. His wife died in 1889, at the age of 78 years. -Transcribed from the "History of Eau Claire County Wisconsin, 1914," page 564 +++++ Albert Friederich Schwahn was born in 1858, at Stettin, Germany. Came to this country in 1871 and worked at his trade as a butcher in the city of Eau Claire. Since 1888 he has conducted one of the most flourishing meat markets of the city. In 1885 Mr. Schwahn married Miss Nettie Becker, who was born in 1864, at Eau Claire, and also of German descent. He is a member of the Knights of Pythias, John Barr Glenn Division and the Odd Fellows. -Transcribed from the "History of Eau Claire County Wisconsin, 1914," page 568 +++++ Fritz Schwahn, born in Pommern, Germany, in 1848; came to America and to the city of Eau Claire in 1872, where he followed his trade as a butcher, until he died. He was an influential member of the German singing society, "Germania," also a member of the Knights of the Maccabees and Odd Fellows. In the year 1875 he married Miss Helen Hoefer, who was born in 1852, at Wissen in the Rheinprovinz, Germany, and who came to this country in 1870. -Transcribed from the "History of Eau Claire County Wisconsin, 1914," page 569 +++++ Henry Christof Schwahn, born at Hohenholz, near Berlin, Germany, in 1846; came to this country in 1870, and settled in the city of Eau Claire. He is in partnership with his brother, Frederich and they have run a fine meat market in the city since 1873. In that same year he married Miss Sophia Rhodes, who was born in Baden, Germany, in 1840. Mr. Schwahn is a member of the Knights of Pythias and the Odd Fellows. -Transcribed from the "History of Eau Claire County Wisconsin, 1914," pages 568 - 569 +++++ William Ernst Schwahn, born in 1852, near Stettin, Germany, and came to this country with his father, William Ernst, who was born near Prenzlau, Germany, in 1810, and who was a butcher by trade; immigrated to America in 1870 and settled in the city of Eau Claire, where he died. William learned the harness maker trade and has followed it ever since. He is at present a partner in t he firm of Schwahn-Seyberth Saddlery Co., which in the year 1911 built a big factory building and doing a very lively business. In the year 1875 Mr. Schwahn married Miss Jennie Johnson, who was born in Norway, in 1853. He is a member of the Knights of Pythias and the National Union. -Transcribed from the "History of Eau Claire County Wisconsin, 1914," page 569 +++++ Charles Ernst Semisch was born in 1797 in the province Sachsen-Altenburg, Germany, where he followed the trade of carpenter and joiner, and farmer. In 1835 he married Miss Caroline Christine Herzinger, who was born in 1803 at Crimmitzschau in the kingdom of Saxony, Germany. They immigrated to this country in 1854, lived in Milwaukee until 1866, when they moved to Eau Claire county and lived on a farm in the town of Washington, where Mr. Semisch died in 1877 and his wife in 1881. They had two sons, Julius and Frederich. Julius, the elder, was born in 1837, in the province Saxon-Altenburg, Germany. With his parents in 1854 he came to this country and served in the civil war until 1864, when he was severely wounded and honorably discharged. In 1866 he moved with his parents to Eau Claire county and settled with them on the farm in the town of Washington. In 1873 he married Miss Auguste Martin, who was born at Zschernikow, Russia, of German descent. They settled on a farm at a place what is now the city of Altoona, where Mr. Julius Semisch died December 27, 1913. Frederich Semisch, the second son, was born in 1848, also in the province Sachsen-Altenburg. With his parents he came to this country in 1854 and to Eau Claire county in 1866. He has since lived in this county and followed the trade of shoemaker and carpenter in the city of Altoona. -Transcribed from the "History of Eau Claire County Wisconsin, 1914," pages 571 - 572 +++++ Leonard Seyberth was born in Bavaria, Germany, in 1854; came to America in 1871 and to Eau Claire county in 1880. For some time he followed his trade as brewer, but soon learned the butcher trade and became a very successful dealer in all kinds of live stock for the butcher trade. He is the president of the Schwahn & Seyberth Saddlery Co., and the president of the Schwahn & Seyberth Manufacturing Co. Mr. Seyberth served as alderman of his ward for thirteen years. He belongs to the Knights of Pythias, the Odd Fellows, the German singing society, "Germania," and to the German-American Society. In 1881 he married Miss Anna Schwahn, who was born in 1863, in Pommern, Germany. Their son, William Seyberth, who was born in 1883, in the county of Eau Claire, is secretary and treasurer of the Schwahn & Seyberth Saddlery Co., and holds the same position in the Schwahn & Seyberth Manufacturing Co. -Transcribed from the "History of Eau Claire County Wisconsin, 1914," page 565 +++++ Charles W. E. Sommermeyer was born in Gardelegen, Germany, in 1830. He came to Madison, Wis., in the year 1858, and 1862 to Eau Claire. He was for years engaged in general merchandising. He moved in 1882 to Grant county, Dakota, and was on a cattle ranch. In 1887 he returned to Eau Claire and engaged in several kinds of business. He married Sophia Charlotte Huebner in 1862, who was born at Gardelegen, Germany. He died in 1912 and his wife died in 1913. Of their five children, Miss Charlotte is a noted musician, Helen is the wife of Mr. William E. Steinberg, also a noted musician, who conducts a very successful music store in the city of Eau Claire. The only son, Edward F., is a dentist of prominence, also residing in Eau Claire. -Transcribed from the "History of Eau Claire County Wisconsin, 1914," page 569 +++++ Joseph Spehle, born in 1840 in Wuertemberg, Germany. Came to Eau Claire county in 1859 and settled on a farm in the town of Brunswick, where he lived until his death in 1912. He attended only the common school in Germany. In 1865 he served as member of Company G, Forty-eighth Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry. In 1860 he married Walpurga Hepperle, who died in 1888. They had two children: Joseph and Delia. Both still live on the old farm. Our subject was town supervisor, assessor and chairman, also school clerk for many years. He was a member of the "Farmer's Grange" and the German singing society "Germania" of Eau Claire. He died in 1912. -Transcribed from the "History of Eau Claire County Wisconsin, 1914," pages 559 - 560 +++++ Louis Spehle, born in 1829 in Wuertemberg, Germany. Came to Eau Claire county in 1856 and settled in t he town of Brunswick. Served in Company G, Forty-eighth Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry, from February 14 to December 13 1865. He married in 1857 Selesia Hepperle, also born in Wuertemberg, Germany. He died in 1871 and his wife died in 1888. Their three children still live in Eau Claire county. -Transcribed from the "History of Eau Claire County Wisconsin, 1914," page 560 +++++ William Heinrich Stein, born in 1856, in Schleswig-Holsteen, Germany, came to this county in 1882, and lived in the city of Eau Claire, where he followed his trade as butcher; occasionally owned and worked farms in the vicinity of the city. He is a member of the German singing society, "Germania," and the German-American Society of Eau Claire county. Mr. Stein married in 1884. His wife was formerly Miss Augusta Kohlke, who was born in 1864, in Pommern, Germany. -Transcribed from the "History of Eau Claire County Wisconsin, 1914," page 566 +++++ Albert Steinfeld was born in 1854, on the Island Ruegen, Germany, and came to this country in 1867, and to the city of Eau Claire in 1872, and followed his trade as a barber. He was a charter member of the Knights of Pythias when they organized in 1884, and also a member since he was 21 years old. In 1877 he married Miss Frances Steubing, who was born in 1854, in New York, of German descent. -Transcribed from the "History of Eau Claire County Wisconsin, 1914," page 569 +++++ David Stuewer, born in 1828 in Stettin, Germany. Married Marie Zank, born in 1827. Came to Eau Claire county in 1882. Died in 1911. His son, Fritz Stuewer, born in 1854, came to Eau Claire county in 1883, and has been employed by the Omaha railroad ever since. -Transcribed from the "History of Eau Claire County Wisconsin, 1914," page 559 +++++ Philip Treiber was born at Heidelberg Germany. Came to America in 1871, and to Eau Claire county in 1872, where he still lives in the city of Augusta and conducts a lively business by dealing in sewing machines and musical instruments. -Transcribed from the "History of Eau Claire County Wisconsin, 1914," page 556 +++++ Albert Ulrich, born in 1856 in West Preussen, Germany. Came to this country in 1880 and to Eau Claire following his trade as a tailor. He married in 1883 Miss Auguste Schroeder, who was born in 1863 in Pommern, Germany. Member of the German singing society "Germania" in the city of Eau Claire. -Transcribed from the "History of Eau Claire County Wisconsin, 1914," page 557 +++++ Carl Friedrich August Voss, born in 1853, in Pommern, Germany. Came in 1883 to the city of Eau Claire, where he works as a plumber and gasfitter. He is a member of the Brotherhood of the Modern Woodmen and of the German-American Society. He married, in 1876, Bertha Knoebler, and has two children. -Transcribed from the "History of Eau Claire County Wisconsin, 1914," pages 564 - 565 +++++ John F. T. Waak was born in 1853 in Pommern, Germany. He came in 1873 to this country and settled in Fall Creek on a farm. He has farmed ever since. Served his town for ten years as road commissioner. He married Lizzie Waak and had five children. -Transcribed from the "History of Eau Claire County Wisconsin, 1914," page 561 +++++ John Wagner, born in 1853 in Prussia, Germany. Came to Eau Claire county in 1882. -Transcribed from the "History of Eau Claire County Wisconsin, 1914," page 558 +++++ William E. Wahl was born 1868 in Province Posen, Germany. He came to America in 1872 and to Eau Claire county in 1877. Visited the common public school and became engaged in the manufacturing of trunks and traveling bags. At present he is the president of the Eau Claire Trunk Co. He is a member of the "Woodmen," the "Maccabees," and the "Beavers." In 1892 he married Miss Clara Hoeppner, who was born in 1873, at Eau Claire. -Transcribed from the "History of Eau Claire County Wisconsin, 1914," page 562 +++++ William Henry Wedemeyer was born in 1853 in Schleswig, Holstein, Germany. He immigrated to this country in 1880 and settled in the city of Eau Claire, where he followed his trade as a harnessmaker. In 1889 he established his own harness shop and was very successful. In 1884 he married Miss Catherine Haas, who was born in 1859, in Germany. He was a member of the Knights of Pythias and died in the year 1901. -Transcribed from the "History of Eau Claire County Wisconsin, 1914," pages 569 - 570 +++++ Michael Weire was born February 19, 1835, at Bathen, Germany. He came to America in 1852 and to Eau Claire county in 1856 and took a homestead near Augusta. Worked in the winter time in the lumber camps and in the summer time on the river up to 1862. Then worked his farm up to 1901, at which time he sold the farm and bought some property in the city of Augusta, where he resides. In August, 1863, he enlisted in the Thirtieth Wisconsin Infantry, Company I, in which he served three years and two months. After that he was discharged, September 20, 1865, at Madison, Wisconsin. He had six years commons school education at Bathen, Germany. Served several terms as treasurer of his school district in the town of Bridge Creek. On February 19, 1866, he married Miss Francis Caroline Schlegelmilch, of Sauk county. Of their ten children six are living. -Transcribed from the "History of Eau Claire County Wisconsin, 1914," pages 560 - 561 +++++ Charles F. W. West was born in 1862 in the town of Brunswick, Eau Claire county, of German descent. He learned the cigarmakers' trade and has, with a few short interruptions, always followed that trade. Since 1891 Mr. West has been in partnership with F. W. Waltersdorf, and they have a flourishing business. Mr. West married, in 1886, Miss Louisa Schreiner, who also is of German descent. He is a member of the Odd Fellows. -Transcribed from the "History of Eau Claire County Wisconsin, 1914," page 570 +++++ Daniel Zempel and his wife, Caroline Zempel, were both born in Posen, Germany, and came to this country in 1857, settled at Princeton, Wis. The moved to Fall Creek, Eau Claire county, in 1864, and settled on a homestead, which is now a part of the village of Fall Creek. Their son, Reinhard Henry Zempel, was born in Princeton, Wis., August 18, 1861; has also been a farmer and lives now on the old homestead. He married, in 1885, Miss Christina Friederich, and they have nine children. -Transcribed from the "History of Eau Claire County Wisconsin, 1914," page 562 +++++ Ferdinand Zieman, born in West Prussia, Germany, and his wife, Wilhelmine (Bruesewitz) Zieman, who was born in Pommern, Germany, came to America in 1871, and to Eau Claire county in 1874, where Mr. Zieman died in 1901. Their son, Otto Julius Zieman, was born in Fall Creek, April 24, 1875, learned the harnessmaker trade and worked at that trade up to 1900, when he added hardware and farm implements, and possesses now a flourishing business at Fall Creek. He was the first president of the village of Fall Creek, served three years in that capacity, served as school clerk and treasurer, also as county supervisor. Married, in 1905, Miss Minnie Zanke, who died in 1905. Remarried in 1907, to Emma Zanke. Three children. -Transcribed from the "History of Eau Claire County Wisconsin, 1914," page 562 +++++ John Zimmerman was born in 1854, in Germany; came to Eau Claire in 1883 and followed his trade of a harnessmaker. Since 1884 he has owned his own shop and met with best success. He married in 1887, Miss Annie Ackerman, also of German descent. Mr. Zimmerman is a member of the Catholic Knights. -Transcribed from the "History of Eau Claire County Wisconsin, 1914," page 570 +++++ |
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