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Research Tools > Surnames of Eau Claire Co., WI

Surnames T - Z

The following surnames are being researched in Eau Claire Co. by family researchers.  If you find a surname that you are also researching, please contact the researcher listed with that name below:

T Surnames

  • TAINTER, 1911 - ?, resided in Augusta, researched by Debbie Cowger
  • TARBOX, ? - 1972, resided in Eau Claire, researched by Judy Tarbox
  • TELLSTROM, 1870 - now, resided in Seymour & Eau Claire, researched by Jim Tellstrom
  • THIELE, 1850s - now, resided in Lincoln Township, researched by Albert Otto Kaeding
  • TINKER, 1880 - 1945, resided in Eau Claire, researched by Elizabeth Deakman
  • TOBIN, 1880 - ?, resided in Eau Claire, researched by Bob Tobin
  • TOMSEN, 1870 - ?, resided in Eau Claire, researched by Brenda Thompson
  • TRAVIS, 1858 - ?, resided in Augusta, Eau Claire & Fairchild, researched by Sean R. Travis - (see website)
  • TRAVIS, 1860 - ?, resided in Fairchild, researched by Deanna Loder
  • TURNER, 1897 - ?, resided in Augusta, researched by April Mills

U Surnames
  • ULRICH, dates unknown, resided in Eau Claire, researched by Cecily Denson
  • ULRICH, 1857 - now, resided in North Eau Claire & Otter Creek, researched by Natalie Steinke

V Surnames
  • VANDERPAN, 1880 - 1910, resided in Drammen Township, researched by Ruth Arnold
  • VAN ETTEN, 1900 - 1902, resided in Fairchild & Bridge Creek, researched by Andrea Healy
  • VERMILYEA, 1855 - ?, resided in Eau Claire, researched by Sandra V. Todd
  • VOGLER, 1881 - now, resided in Fall Creek, researched by Ruth A. Benedett
  • VOSS, 1880 - now, resided in Eau Claire, researched by Anita Reid
W Surnames
  • WALLACE, 1870 -1890, resided in Fairchild, researched by Joe Wallace
  • WALSH, 1840 - ?, resided in Eau Claire, researched by Jeffrey C. Mullins
  • WANGEN, 1887 - ?, resided in Eau Claire, researched by Patrick Mattson
  • WARNER, 1860 - now, resided in Augusta & Fall Creek, researched by Kati Malone
  • WASTE, 1860 - 1991, resided in Bridge Creek, Fairchild & Eau Claire, researched by Phil Waste
  • WATHKE, 1870 - now, resided in Washington Township & Fall Creek, researched by Jim Tellstrom
  • WATKINS, 1915 - now, resided in Union (Shawtown), researched by Buzz Watkins
  • WEGGEN, 1880s - now, resided in Lincoln Township, researched by Vicki Dyer
  • WELKE, 1860 - 1908, resided in Lincoln Township, researched by Deb Studley
  • WELSH, 1840 - ?, resided in Eau Claire, researched by Jeffrey C. Mullins
  • WESTERN, 1848 - 1890, resided in Fairchild, researched by Phil Waste
  • WESTLUND, 1926 - 2005, resided in Eau Claire, researched by Wayne Duesterbeck
  • WIEJEC, dates unknown, resided in Eau Claire, researched by Pat Krentz
  • WIGHTMAN, 1870 - ?, resided in Eau Claire, researched by Tim Dowling
  • WIK, 1900 - ?, resided in Eau Claire, researched by Sue Sumner
  • WILBUR, 1840 - now, resided in Augusta, Eau Claire & Ludington Township, researched by Terri Woodford
  • WILCOX, dates unknown, resided in Eau Claire, researched by Doris Wilcox Phillips
  • WILLERTON, 1888, resided in Eau Claire, researched by Margaret Wegner
  • WILSON, 1970 - now, resided in Eau Claire & Augusta, researched by Kerry Scott
  • WINGER, 1870s - now, resided in Seymour & Union Townships, researched by Roger Hamilton
  • WITTREN, 1880 - now, resided in Altoona & Fairchild, researched by N Sampson
  • WOLD, 1887 - now, resided in Drammen & Eau Claire, researched by Janet A. Porter
  • WOODFORD, 1842 - now, resided in Otter Creek & Pleasant Valley, researched by Ben Tharaldson
  • WOODFORD, 1880 - 1900, resided in Altoona, Augusta, Eau Claire & Fairchild, researched by R. Hunt
  • WOODFORD, 1800 - now, resided in Pleasant Valley, Eau Claire, Augusta & Fall Creek, researched by Terri Woodford
  • WOODWARD, 1890s - 1930s, resided in Eau Claire, researched by Dale M. Payne
  • WRIGHT, 1872 - 1889, resided in Eau Claire & Fairchild, researched by Dorothy Hinkey
  • WYCKOFF, 1850 - now, resided in Eau Claire & Fall Creek, researched by Brad Bryan
Y Surnames
  • YOUNG, 1840 - ?, resided in Augusta & Otter Creek, researched by Patty Martin
  • YULE, 1860 - now, resided in Augusta & Otter Creek, researched by Denise McKay

Z Surnames
  • ZAMZOW, 1850s - now, resided in Lincoln Township, researched by Albert Otto Kaeding
  • ZAMZOW, 1870 - 1956, resided in Lincoln Township & Fall Creek, researched by Jim Tellstrom
  • ZANK, ~1885 - ~1930, resided in Augusta, researched by Kathleen Grams-Gibbs
  • ZELL, 1880s - 1990s, resided in Augusta, researched by Jenny Brady
  • ZEMPEL (LE), 1850 - 1900, residence unknown, researched by Barbara Randall Barney
  • ZENKE, 1869 - 1948, resided in Fall Creek, researched by Steven D. Koehler
  • ZETZMAN, 1850 - 1900, residence unknown, researched by Barbara Randall Barney
  • ZIEHLSDORF, dates unknown, resided in Eau Claire, researched by David Elbert
  • ZIEHLSDORF, dates unknown, resided in Clear Creek Township, researched by Angela Pehlke
  • ZIEMANN, 1899 - now, resided in Fall Creek, researched by Steven D. Koehler
  • ZIENTIK, dates unknown, resided in Eau Claire, researched by Pat Krentz
  • ZIMMERMAN, dates unknown, resided in Eau Claire, researched by Pete Home
  • ZIMMERMAN, 1860 - now, resided in Washington Township & Fall Creek, researched by Jim Tellstrom
  • ZINK, 1890 - 1910, resided in Augusta, researched by Sally Powers-Alertz
  • ZOBEL, 1890s - 1930s, resided in Eau Claire, researched by Dale M. Payne

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