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Histories > Eau
Claire County Historical Accounts
"Eau Claire County History, 1949" History of Sherman School Area Andrew and
Irva Jackson, Winiford
Winters, Niles Meservy were the first settlers in this area.
latter lived near the place where Ross Mittlestadt now lives.
Meservey lived near Pernot's home.
In the early days of the district, most of the people went to the woods in the winter and did some gardening in the summer. There lived in the district, three loggers, Mr. Murray, who lived on the farm now occupied by Joe Thomson, Peter Bolen, who lived on the farm where Mr. Lorentz now lives; and Dan McMannus, who lived on the farm now occupied by Mrs. Wittwer. These men ran logging camps up north. Many of the early settlers went with their horses to the woods for the winter. Sixty-eight years ago Sidney Sherman (born in 1840) donated land for the present school site for ninety-nine years. The boundary of Sherman School district today is much the same as first laid out, but years ago, a part of it which lies east of the school was made a district by itself. Later on, this district was abolished and again attached to the present Sherman School District. The first school building was located just east of the present building. They had board windows which were taken off during the day and put on again at night. One room of the present building was constructed in nineteen-two. The other room was added in nineteen-twenty-one. In eighteen-eighty the first Sunday School was held at Sherman School with Rev. Ramson as the minister. As the City of Eau Claire developed, many of the people in this locality found a ready market for their garden produce and devoted their entire time to this work. Among the names that can be recalled are, Oatman, who lived where Mrs. Pehlke now lives. Also the following families: Sherman, Knell, Conley, Vogel, Husey, Mittlestadt, Robinson, Moholt, Eilats, Ausman, and Britton. Then, with the advent of good highways and the development of the trucking industry, most of the early vegetables came from the Southern part of the United States. Because these vegetables reached the Eau Claire market before the home grown were ready, the demand for local products diminished. Consequently many discontinued gardening and sold out. This movement was reflected in a decreased enrollment of the school, so that only one room and one teacher were required. As the sawmills were replaced by manufacturing and other industries, much of the garden acreage was sold for building lots. By nineteen-twenty-five, the enrollement of the school had so increased that two teachers were employed. The population increased steadily until the fall of 1947 the school enrollment was ninety-two with one hundred ninety-four on the school census list making it necessary to employ three teachers with split session in the lower grades. The valuation of the school through new buildings increased from $285,000 in 1943 to $437,000 in nineteen-forty-seven. The first store to serve the community was built in nineteen forty-seven. |
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