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Histories > Eau
Claire County Historical Accounts
"Eau Claire County History, 1949" History of Anthony School Area The first school of
District #2 Drammen was located on the then John Holme's land, John
now, on the corner where the three roads meet. (NW ½ of Sec.
17, Town of Drammen).
It was a 16 x 24 wooden structure with shingles for siding so it was called the "Shingle School". Inside, brown building paper or some such similar paper was nailed on to make warmer, smoother walls and ceiling. At times some of the most aggressive pupils sitting next to the wall, not wishing to use good writing paper for spit balls, availed themselves of the opportunity presented by the presence of this paper so near at hand. Two rows of double seats were in the room. One end of each seat was placed against the wall so that when the pupil seated next tot he wall needed to leave his seat, his seat mate had to get out of the seat in order to let him out. The heat was obtained from a wood burning stove placed in the back of the room. Among the earliest teachers of this Shingle School we find Libbie McNeel, who taught from April 17 to July 7, 1882 receiving twenty dollars per month for her work. In other words, one dollar a day. In the fall of 1882 there were three weeks of school beginning November 27th with forty pupils enrolled with Libbie McNeel. On April 10, 1883 Isabelle Cox taught until June 29 of that year. She received twenty five dollars per month with thirty five pupils enrolled. Miss Reed signed the register as being County Superintendent at that time. Mr. A. E. Peeso taught from Nov. 12, 1883 to March 7, 1884. Mrs. J. C. Sherwin was the county Sup't. of Schools during that period. Chas. O. Burgess taught two months, receiving twenty-five dollars per month from April 21, 1884 to June 13, 1884. There were 31 pupils enrolled. In the fall of 1884 school began Nov. 3rd with Chas. O. Burgess as teacher, continuing until Feb. 20, 1885. There were 43 pupils enrolled and the salary received was thirty dollars per month. In the spring of 1885, A. E. Peeso taught from April 6 to June 26. F. W. Spencer taught from Nov. 2, 1885 to March 5, 1886 for thirty dollars per month with an enrollment of 38. Nettie Hakes came April 19, 1886 and taught until June 11, 1886 for twenty dollars. The enrollment at that time had dwindled to 26. The register still continued to be signed by Mrs. J. C. Sherwin, County Sup't. of Schools. Other early teachers were Emma Nogle who taught in the fall of 1886. Nettie Hakes taught the spring term of 1887 and also the fall of 1887. Grace Giles taught in the spring of 1888, while Nettie Hakes took over the fall term of 1888. County Sup't. signing the register were Mrs. Pregent, 1889 and Miss Anna Smith, 1891. In the late 80's it was decided that a new school building was needed so a new wooden building was erected in 1890 at the present site about one fourth of a mile east of the old Shingle School. New seats were purchased. The new school came to be called the Anthony School because of its nearness to the Anthony Post Office. The Anthony School housed the growing generation from 1890 to June 1947 when it was struck by a thunderbolt and the building burned to the ground. The piano, books, desks and seats were saved by Chas. Lund and a few neighbors who labored with feverish haste while the building was on fire. An old school building was purchased at an auction in Buffalo County and moved onto the foundation. With fast work however it was made ready for the 1947 fall term of school, so no school time was lost. The Post Office Charles O. Burgess, a former school teacher of the old "Shingle School" erected the first store and Post Office in 1887 about one fourth mile east of the now, Feeney Store, formerly known as Tiegen's Store on Highway 37. When the question arose as to what name should be given the Post Office, an employee of Postmaster Charles Burgess whose name was Anton Brager said jokingly, "Call it Anthony" and so they did. It became known as the Anthony Post Office and the name still lingers in the vicinity. The near-by school of Dist. #2 being known as the Anthony School. The nearest mail delivery was at Porter Mills, so once a week a Nels Uhlen Olson drove from Anthony to Porter Mills to get the mail. Later, two trips per week were made. After the mail arrived at the Anthony Post Office it was properly sorted and pigeonholed where it lay until called for by the people of the surrounding territory who deemed this a very convenient way to obtain ones mail. In 1897 a new store was erected at the present location of the Harry Feeney Store on Highway 37, by a Mr. Tiegen. The post office was then moved to this store and remained in operation there until 1903 when a railroad entered Mondovi, after which mail was carried out from this city on Rural Routes. Mr. Tiegen continued operating the store but minus the Post Office. Not many descendants of early settlers remain on the land. The Wesley Smith descendants however are living on the old homestead. They remember that the land purchased in 1883 could be obtained for a dollar an acre. How Drammen Received Its Name At a political meeting of early settlers held in a school building somewhere near the present Sheldon Valley School, a man by the name of Lent Peeso asked that the town under consideration be called "Lent" in his honor. Other leaders who felt equally important did not agree to this. Finally a Knute Knutson suggested that it be named after a city of Norway near Christiania (Oslo) called "Drammen". The majority being Scandinavians highly favored this suggestion and when a vote was taken "Drammen" was almost the unanimous choice. |
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