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Histories > Eau
Claire Co. Historical
"History of Northern Wisconsin, 1881" Societies (-as transcribed from pages 309 - 310) Masonic. - The members of this mystic fraternity embraces many of the leading men of the city. The lodges, chapter and commandery are all in a flourishing condition. Eau Claire Lodge, No. 112, meets on the first and third Monday of each month. William A. Teall is the present W. M. The past masters are William H. Bailey, William Pitt Bartlett, Isadore Cook, C. R. Gleason, Charles P. Mosher, Alexander Meggett, M. E. O'Connell, George C. Teall. It was organized December 30, 1858, under a dispensation charter, granted June 15, 1859. Alexander Meggett was the first mason made in the lodge. West Eau Claire Lodge, No. 162. Meetings on the first and third Saturdays of each month. Noah Shaw, W. M. Past Masters - M. D. Bartlett, Edwin J. Farr, James S. Huston, James F. Moore, N. B. Rundle, Noah Shaw. This lodge was organized August 30, 1866. West Eau Claire Chapter, No. 36, R. A. M. Meets first Thursday evening of each month. Edwin J. Farr, H. P., Past H. P. - N. B. Rundle, Noah Shaw, Alexander Meggett, M. D. Bartlett, Levi E. Lattimer, George W. James and A. L. Jenks. Organized 1867. Chippewa Commandery, No. 8. Stated conclaves second Monday of each month. George C. Teall, Em. Com. Past Em. Com. - E. M. Bartlett, Edwin J. Farr, N. B. Rundie, Noah Shaw. Was instituted in 1870. Odd Fellows.- Eau Claire Lodge, No. 129, meets on Monday evening at their hall on Barstow street. B. F. Teall, N. G.; Joel Clark, R. S.; John Powers, P. S. Frieden Lodge, No. 254, instituted by B. F. Teall, District Deputy, May 16, 1876, fourteen charter members. Matthew Kneer was the first N. G. Meets on Thursday evenings, at the Odd Fellows Hall on Barstow street. Present officers in part: H. Rodensleben, N. G.; H. Schafer, V. G.; F. Schwahn, R. S. Chippewa Lodge, No. 140, I. O. O. F., meets on Saturday evening at Odd Fellows Hall, west side. Organized in 1865, with nine charter members. The first N. G. was Ed. Davis. Present membership eighty-four. A. G. Friend, N. G.; Robert Parker, Recorder. Knights of Pythias. - D. W. Day is the Grand Chancellor for the jurisdiction of Wisconsin, Eau Claire, Wis. Eau Claire Lodge, No. 16, meets on Thursday evening. A. O. U. W. - Banner Lodge, No. 17, organized in 1879. Present M. W., Dr. E. C. French; Recorder, Conrad Enderline. July 4, 1881, this lodge celebrated the day. Hon. Alexander Meggett delivered an eloquent and stirring oration; there were refreshments, music and dancing. Eau Claire Temple of Honor, No. 140. - The temple was organized in May, 1877. A. M. Childs was the first Worthy Chief Templar. At one time it was, and it may be now, the largest Temple of Honor in the world. The list of members embraces 675 names. Their hall is in Chappell Block. Juvenile Temple of Honor, meets on Saturdays at Temple of Honor Hall. A lodge of the I. 0. of G. T. was organized July 4, 1879. It was called Union Lodge, No. 245 ; was instituted by K. B. Dennison. S. A. Robinson was the first W. C. T. It meets Saturday evenings in Temple of Honor Hall. Present officers in part are: J. H. Young, W. C. T.; Miss Tillie Ross, W. R. S. The Normanna Society. - John Lee, president: Casper Syverson, secretary; O. Sherman, librarian. The library has 700 volumes, Norwegian and English. The Round Table. - A literary society organized in 1880. Rev. Joel Clark, president; Miss Cora Pond, secretary. Christian Workers. - This society grew out of a revival in the city several years ago, conducted by Rev. Mr. Couch. The membership included active men who felt that religion was something more than a mere sentiment, that the doctrine of the Fatherhood of God also embraced its corollary the Brotherhood of man. Women's Christian Temperance Union. - Was organized in 1879. Mrs. L. Bullard was the first president; Mrs. J. F. Dudley, secretary. Present officers: Mrs. George B. Chapman, president; Mrs. S. S. Kepler, secretary. Meets the first Wednesday in each month. Ladies' Aid Society. - This association has been in existence and active operation eight years, and has been the means of great good. Several hundred dollars each year are disbursed, in addition to friendly offices in large measure. The membership is from the best society in the city. The present officers are: Mrs. S. White, president; Mrs. A. Vincent, vice-president; Mrs. J. C. Cass, secretary; Mrs. M. Harris, treasurer; Directors-Mrs. W. H. Smith, Mrs. R. Anderson, Mrs. B. Demorest. Eau Claire Wesleyan Seminary, founded in 1861, George E. Fellows, A. B., principal. Located on the corner of Lake street and Fourth avenue. The corner-stone of this edifice was laid, with the usual ceremonies, an the 9th of May, 1862. A Bible Society was organized in 1857. Joseph G. Thorp was president; Rev. A. Kidder, secretary; D. H. Ketcham, treasurer. Rev. Mr. Hilton was the moving spirit in the organization. Eau Claire Medical Association. - This society was organized June 1, 1877, under the laws of the State. W. T. Galloway, president; C. E. Hageboon, secretary; D. C. Spencer, Augusta, treasurer. Holds quarterly meetings. Medical Association. - Some of the medical men of the Chippewa Valley got together, on the 16th of May, 1881, and organized a medical association. The following officers were chosen: President, E. J. Farr, M. D., Eau Claire; Secretary, E. O. Baker, M. D., Durant; Vice-president, Dr. Hutchinson, of Durant; Corresponding Secretary, Dr. Hebard, Mondovi; Censors, Drs. Park, Peck and Hibbard. The Chippewa Valley Workingmen's Association was organized in Eau Claire, October 9, 1879. President, R. H. Copeland; J. L. Johnson, treasurer, and Charles Warner, secretary. Old Settlers' Club. - On the 11th of July, 1881, the first meeting was held, at the parlors of the Galloway House, for the purpose of organizing an old settlers' club. T. E. Randall was chairman, and Arthur Smith acted as secretary. About thirty of the pioneers were present. At a subsequent meeting, an organization was completed, the membership to consist of those who have resided in the county twenty years or more. Alex. Meggett, president; William P. Bartlett, treasurer; C. R. Gleason, secretary. Agricultural Society was organized in 1859. The first fair was held in Augusta, in the Autumn of 1860, and was considered a great success. Annual fairs have since been held at various places in the county. The first provisional officers were: A. W. Bosworth, president; Carlos Clough, Secretary. The first permanent officers were: J. G. Thorp, president; S. H. Peabody, secretary, and Delos R. Moon, treasurer. It is a useful society, well managed, and the receipts and expenditures now run into the thousands. In May, 1880, Mr. James J. Clement leased the fair grounds and fitted them up with stables for a training park. The Eau Claire Sporting Club, organized for the protection of game, to assist in the execution of the State laws, and for individual and collective enjoyment in forest and stream, came into existence July 9, 1879. J. F. Moore was the first president; C. Hueber, treasurer, and B. J. Phillips, secretary. It started with a membership of fifty-seven. The Eau Claire Irish Land League was organized February 10, 1881. Frank McDonough, president; Col. John Kelly, treasurer; Thomas F. Frawley, secretary. The City Band. - Early in the history of the village, a band was in existence which had been organized by James Bonell. It was re-organized in May, 1880, by John F. Hanck. George Burt is now the leader. It has eighteen pieces, and is a most creditable organization. The City Guard, a fine military organization under Capt. N. B. Rundle, is a credit to the city. The Free Library and Reading-room. - This institution deserves more than a passing notice. It is located on River street, in the post-office building, and is open at convenient hours, and it is gratifying to know that it is freely patronized by the people of the city. It was founded under the laws of the State, in October, 1875. It has several thousand volumes, and a good supply of magazines and newspapers. It is managed by nine directors. H. C. Howland is president, and F. W. Woodward, treasurer. Miss C. Edna Sears has been librarian from the first. Cemeteries. - There are four rural cemeteries in Eau Claire: Lakeview, Forest Hill, Lutheran and Catholic. The only unfavorable criticism in regard to them is that, if the city continues to grow in the future as in the past, they will soon be uncomfortably near.
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