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Histories > Eau
Claire Co. Historical
"History of Northern Wisconsin, 1881" Other Industrial Enterprises (-as transcribed from pages 306 - 307) In addition to the great staple business of lumber, the city is rapidly developing, and already has quite a number of manufacturing industries which must continue to increase and multiply for a long time. Some of the most important of these will now be alluded to. Phoenix Manufacturing Company, incorporated October 13, 1875; proprietors, Hiram C. Graham, Samuel White, Robert Toller, Conway B. Daniels; capital $50,000. This firm builds mill machinery, grist-mills and iron work generally. It also has a planing mill, etc. The present capital is $100,000, and a business of a like amount is done annually. The pay roll is about $4,500 a month. The Eau Claire Dells Gas Light and Coke Company. -- W. S. Easton, president; A. E. Swift, vice-president and managing director. Incorporated in July, 1877. The works are located on the west side. It has twelve and one-half of mains, which are constantly being added to Badger State Economist Threshing Machine. -- This machine, the invention of Robert H. Monteith, is manufactured by a company consisting of Messrs. Thorp, Gilbert, Chapman and Rust. Preparations are making to manufacture the machine on a large scale. The Telephone. -- This valuable invention is extensively used in the city. The Telegraph. -- The Western Union has an office here. Express. -- The American Express runs on the various railroad lines and does a heavy business. Eau Claire Woolen Mill. -- This mill is located in Sec. 27, town of Washington; employs ten hands; manufactures cassimeres, flannels and yarns, and do a large amount of custom carding. There is a home market for all the products of the mill. Eau Claire Chilled Plow Company. -- Incorporated May 30, 1881; capital, $10,000; F. W. Woodward, president; Noah Shaw, vice-president; George B. Shaw, secretary and treasurer; James P. McIntyre, superintendent. The firm began work July 18, 1881, and will turn out 500 or 600 plows this year, from Mr. McIntyre's designs. It is claimed that the shape and material give these plows light draught, easy handling and good work, and that they clean equal to steel plates. They are made of soft iron, which is crystallized by a new process, the invention of Mr. McIntyre. Noah Shaw Foundry and Machine Shop. -- It was built in 1860. The firm name was Shaw, Fisk & Co., the personnel being Noah Shaw, J. D. Fisk, D. H. Ferguson and N. B. Greer. These men did all the work in the shop. Greer retired in 1863. Dr. W. T. Galloway became a member of the firm in 1864, Mr. Fisk retiring. In 1867, Mr. Ferguson sold to Dr. Galloway, and several years later Mr. Shaw became sole proprietor, and has managed the concern since then, most of the time alone. At first there was but a single lathe, no drill or planer. The business gradually increased, until now fifty men are employed. In 1860, the stone part of the present shop was erected. The shop turns out steam engines, rotary saw-mills, double and single block shingle mills, grub pin lathes, and other saw and planing mill machinery. About $75,000 worth of work is done each year. Carriage Manufacturers and Blacksmiths -- Bonell Brothers. Boiler Maker -- P. Lally. Dells Brewery -- Henry Sommereyer, proprietor; E. M. Hautzsch, Trase & Leissaik. Broom Manufacturer -- D. F. Crabbe. Does exceptionally good work. Cabinet Makers -- Norway Furniture Company. Coopers -- Eau Claire Lumber Company, Fabion Schismer. Feed Mill -- Mayhew & Co. Flour Mills -- P. W. Daniels, Eau Claire Lumber Company, Daniel Shaw Lumber Company. Marble Works -- W. F. Cook. Sash, Door and Blind Manufacturers -- Bangs & Fish, Blashfield & Duffield. Soap Manufacturers -- National Soap Works. A plan is maturing to establish a manufactory of the "Monteith Thresher." The planing mill business was commenced here by Stephen Marston, in 1860, in the mill built by Adin Randall. This mill was sold to Ingram & Kennedy, in 1872. Mr. Marston's present mill was built in 1867. He manufactures doors, sash, blinds, etc., in an enlarged and improved establishment. The Dells Company began the construction of the canal on the thirtieth day of October, 1879. The first officers of the company were elected November 11, 1879 -- F. W. Woodward, president; J. M. Brackett, vice-president; George B. Shaw, secretary; V. W. Balies, treasurer. Board of Trade. -- The first meeting to organize this institution was held Friday, October 17, 1879. F. W. Woodward was the first president, and George B. Shaw, secretary. F. McDonough is now president; W. L. Kepler, vice-president; V. W. Bayless, treasurer, and George B. Shaw, secretary. Regular meetings first Monday in each month. Eau Claire Savings, Loan and Building Association. -- This institution was organized August 7, 1877. The purpose and business of the association is to afford to its members a safe means of accumulating and investing money, as a savings bank, and to loan its money to its stockholders upon properly approved securities; to aid and encourage its members to build or purchase homes for themselves. This association has been a material aid in building up the city. The transactions for the year ending August 2, 1880, amounted to $66,336.89. The first officers of the association were: President, George H. Webster; Treasurer, F. W. Woodward; Secretary, Jobn Hunner. The officers for 1880-1 are: G. H. Webster, president; H. C. Howland, vice-president; F. W. Woodward, Treasurer; George T. Thompson, secretary; George C. Teall, attorney. Elevators. -- G. B. Chapman & Co. This firm has a cylindrical elevator, with a capacity of 25,000 bushels. It has been in operation one season, and handled about 75,000 bushels. The personnel of the firm is G. B. Chapman, Nelson Wilcox and B. J. Churchill. The elevator is on the north side, near the C., St. P. & M. R. R. track. This company, besides their grain business, handles about 15,000 tons of hard and soft coal. The Eau Claire Lumber Company also have an elevator, and are an extensive buyer of wheat. T. E. Randall & Son also have an elevator, near the C., St. P. & M. depot, and do a large business. The wheat shipped from Eau Claire has been steadily increasing, until now it amounts to at least 350,000 bushels annually. Hotels. -- There are about twenty hotels in town. One, of the oldest, and a first-class house, is the Eau Claire, on the site of the first hotel, built by Adin Randall, in 1878, and for some time it was kept by Levi Slinghlupp & Son. It was rebuilt in 1879. The proprietor is William Newton, who has occupied it seventeen years, except two years when he had charge of the Galloway House. The hotel started with nine rooms; now has forty-eight sleeping rooms, and eighteen more are in process of construction. The house was re-opened November 28, 1878, by William Newton. C. B. Newton is clerk, and Charley Foster night clerk. The Galloway House is a first-class hotel. This house was built by Dr. William T. Galloway. It was re-opened May 1, 1874, by William Newton. Its construction was commenced in 1872, but it was not finished until the following year, when it was opened by William Newton. Mr. Andrew Burlap succeeded him. Mr. De La Verd was proprietor. Mr. Fred Hanson, the present proprietor, took the house July 28, i879. There are fifty-four sleeping rooms and a first-class Turkish bath in the house. Charles McDonald is clerk, J. H. Woodbury, night clerk; William H. Douglass, steward. The Vinton House. -- For a long time this was the leading hotel. At first it was the Williams House, having started in 1869. Mr. Peabody, who afterwards was proprietor, gave it his own name. Mr. W. F. Vinton now is proprietor, having owned it since 1869. It has forty-seven sleeping rooms, a splendid dining room, and a good cuisine. The Sherman House is an old reliable hostelry, T. F. Kenyon proprietor. Some of the other houses are: The Britton House, Central Exchange, Hart's, Joyce, Kneer, Railroad, Ratzinger, Skandinavian, Star and Upper Valley. The business of the city not unfrequently taxes them to the utmost. The Railroad Hotel, at the depot, is everything to be desired by the traveling public. Frank Pulte, proprietor. River Steamers. -- The "Ida Campbell" is now the only one on the river; Capt. Monteith. |
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