Research Tools > Surnames of Eau Claire Co., WI
Surnames A - F
The following surnames are
being researched in Eau Claire Co. by family researchers. If you find a surname that you
are also researching, please contact the researcher listed with that
name below:
A Surnames
- ABRAHAM, 1888 - now, resided in
Fall Creek, Cleghorn & Ludington, researched by Melodie Glenn
- ACKER, 1880s - 1990s, resided
in Augusta, researched by Jenny
- ACKERMAN, 1895 - ?, resided in
Eau Claire, researched by Ruth
- ANDERSON, bef 1900 - ?, resided
in Eau Claire, researched by John Allinger
- ANDREWS, 1890s - 1930s, resided
in Eau Claire, researched by Dale
M. Payne
- ANNIS, dates unknown, resided
in Eau Claire, researched by Murphy's
1868 - 1933, resided in Eau Claire, researched by Phil Waste
- ARRIES, 1850 - now, resided in
Augusta & Otter Creek, researched by N Sampson
1890 - ,? resided in Eau Claire, researched by Tim Dowling
- AUSMAN, 1870 - ?, resided in
Eau Claire, researched by Carol
B Surnames
- BABCOCK, 1857 - 1900, resided
in Augusta, researched by Janice
- BAHR, 1854 - now, resided in
Fall Creek, researched by Brian Brummund
- BAHR, 1850s
- now, resided in Lincoln Township, researched by Albert Otto Kaeding
- BAKER, 1870 - 1890, resided in
Eau Claire, researched by Kelly
- BALLARD , 1880 - 1920, resided
in Fairchild, researched by Kathy
- BARNETT, 1858 - 1900s, resided
in Eau Claire, researched by Kathleen M. Davis
- BARRINGTON, ? - 1992, resided
in Eau Claire, researched by Jocelyn
1868 - ?, resided in Eau Claire, researched by Tim Dowling
- BARTLETT, 1860 - 1995, resided
in Eau Claire, researched by William
- BARTZ, 1800s - now, resided in
Eau Claire, Fall Creek, researched by SweetVamp000
- BARTZ, 1824 - 1903, resided in
Lincoln Twp, Fall Creek, researched by Jim Tellstrom
- BASTIAN, 1860 - 1880, resided
in Eau Claire, researched by N.
- BATSON , 1870 - now, resided in
Eau Claire, researched by Lynda
- BECKER, 1869 - 1873, resided in
Otter Creek Township, researched by Phyllis Gaddy
- BEEBE, 1880 - ?, resided in
Augusta, researched by Marie
C. Schroeder
- BELDEN, 1840 - 1960, resided in
Eau Claire & Fall Creek, researched by Fred Belden
- BELL , 1875 - now, resided in
Eau Claire, researched by Naomi
1849 - 1918, resided in Eau Claire, researched by Sally Garcia
- BENSON , 1889 - ?, resided in
Eau Claire, researched by Laura
- BERG, 1901 - 1974, resided in
Eau Claire, researched by WewNjw
1865 - now, resided in Ludington Township, researched by Dean Hagen
- BETCHER, 1820 - 1889, resided
in Washington Township & Fall Creek, researched by Jim Tellstrom
- BIGELOW, 1857 - 1905, resided
in Eau Claire, researched by Duane David
1949 - 1918, resided in Eau Claire, researched by Sally Garcia
- BING , 1880s - ?, resided in
Eau Claire, researched by Judy
- BISHOP, 1909 - 1910, resided in
Eau Claire, researched by Frances
Bishop Grochowski
- BLAKE, 1870 - 1900, resided in
Eau Claire, researched by Adrianna
- BLOCH, 1866 - ?, resided in
Lincoln Township, researched by Carol Fletty
1889 - ?, resided in Eau Claire, researched by Tim Dowling
- BOETZER, 1893 - now, resided in
Fairchild, researched by Keith
- BONK, 1884 - ?, resided in Eau
Claire, researched by Carol Fletty
- BOOKS, 1889 - 1972, resided in
Paltersmil (Porter's Mills), researched by Jim Books
- BOSKOWITZ, 1890 - 1925, resided
in Eau Claire, researched by David
Palmer Levey
- BOYD, 1868 - 1929+, resided in
Eau Claire, researched by Betty
- BOYEA, 1800s - now, resided in
Eau Claire, researched by Linda Walder
- BOYLE, 1862 - now, resided in
Eau Claire, researched by Joanne
- BRAMER, 1929 - now, resided in
Eau Claire Co., researched by Keith Lange
- BRANDON, 1800's, resided in Eau
Claire, researched by George
- BREITENFELDT, 1873 - ?, resided
in Lincoln & Washington Townships, researched by Luther Strasburg
- BRIDGES, 1880s - now, resided
in Eau Claire, researched by Brent
- BRIMER, 1879 - 1890, resided in
Wilson Township, researched by Patricia L. Adams
- BRISBOIS, 1875 - 1920, resided
in Eau Claire, researched by Pete
- BROOKS, 1890 - 1975, resided in
Eau Claire, researched by Robert
- BRUMMUND, 1854 - now, resided
in Lincoln Township & Fall Creek, researched by Jim Kornelson
- BRUMMUND, 1854 - now, resided
in Fall Creek, researched by Brian
- BRYAN, 1850 - now, resided in
Eau Claire & Fall Creek, researched by Brad Bryan
- BRYCE, 1869 - 1888, resided in
Bridge Creek & Lincoln Townships, researched by Bettie Karki
- BRYON, 1850 - now, resided in
Eau Claire & Fall Creek, researched by Brad Bryan
1849 - 1918, resided in Eau Claire, researched by Sally Garcia
- BUGBEE, 1857 - 1877, resided in
Eau Claire, researched by Sheli
1849 - 1918, resided in Eau Claire, researched by Sally Garcia
- BULLIS, 1860 - 1940, resided in
Augusta & Eau Claire, researched by Nick Trombley
- BUNDT, 1890 - 1910, resided in
Augusta, researched by Sally
- BURCE, 1870 - now, resided in
Eau Claire, researched by Susan
- BURDICK, dates unknown, resided
in Eau Claire, researched by Doris
Wilcox Phillips
- BURGESS, 1850 - 1883, resided
in Eau Claire & Otter Creek, researched by Jeanne Mower
- BURGESS, 1870 - now, resided in
Augusta & Otter Creek, researched by N Sampson
- BURGETT, 1840 - 1960, resided
in Eau Claire, researched by Fred Belden
- BUROSS, 1850 - now, resided in
Eau Claire County, researched by Sue
- BUTLER, 1857 - 1905, resided in
Eau Claire, researched by Duane David
- BYRNES, ? - 1910, resided in
Eau Claire, researched by Jocelyn Harvey
- BYRON, 1865 - ?, resided in
Fairchild, researched by Brenda
C Surnames
- CAMPBELL, 1850 - now, resided
in Augusta, Eau Claire & Ludington Township, researched by Ann F.
- CANDELL, 1850s - now, resided
in Eau Claire, researched by Brent Redmond
- CANFIELD, 1868 - 1879, resided
in Eau Claire, researched by Michelestitch
1915 - now, resided in Eau Claire & Fairchild, researched by Dawn Card
- CARDWELL, 1877 - 1919, resided
in Eau Claire, researched by Sandra
- CARLSON, 1904 - now, resided in
Augusta & Bridge Creek Township, researched by Barbara Meeker
- CARROLL, 1870 - 1920, resided
in Eau Claire, researched by Joanne Krause
- CARTWRIGHT, 1880 - now, resided
in Eau Claire, researched by Richard Smith
- CARTWRIGHT, 1900 - 1950,
resided in Eau Claire, researched by Ina Chatwood Stoeckli
- CASTLE, 1845 - 1888, resided in
Pleasant Valley, researched by Wayne
K. Davis
- CASTLE, 1857 - 1921, resided in
Eau Claire, researched by Judy
Castle Stubbs
- CHAPPEL, 1900 - 1980, residence
unknown, researched by Don
- CHRISTIANSON, 1850s - now,
resided in Eau Claire, researched by Danielle Fahey
- CHRISTOFFERSON, 1870 - 1930,
resided in Eau Claire, researched by Lois Berge
1888 - 1905, resided in Fairchild, researched by Phil Waste
- CLARK, 1883 - 1918, resided in
Augusta, Ludington & Wilson Township, researched by Mina Gumieny
- CLIFF, 1857 - 1905, resided in
Eau Claire, researched by Duane David
- CLOSE, dates unknown, residence
unknown, researched by David
- CLOUKEY, 1875 - 1900, resided
in Eau Claire, researched by John
1871 - ?, resided in Pleasant Valley, researched by Kristine Smith
- COLBERT, 1930 - 1944, resided
in Eau Claire, researched by Ken R. Colbert
- COLE, 1900 - now, resided in
Eau Claire & Seymour Township, researched by Tom Cole
- CONRAD, 1880 - ?, residence
unknown, researched by Wendy
- COON, 1860 - now, resided in
Eau Claire, Otter Creek & Half Moon, researched by Kathy Jensen
- CORAM, 1901 - 1914, resided in
Augusta, researched by Diane
- CORRIGAN, 1885 - now, resided
in Eau Claire, researched by Karen Duffy
1870s - now, resided in Pleasant Valley, researched by Kristine Smith
- COWAN, 1886 - ?, resided in Eau
Claire, researched by Lori
- COWELL, 1800s - ?, resided in
Eau Claire, researched by Judy
- COX, 1960s - ?, residence
unknown, researched by Jim
- CRANDALL, 1880 - ?, resided in
Eau Claire, researched by Betty Boyd
- CROWLEY, 1874 - 1928, resided
in Augusta, researched by Mina Gumieny
1870 - ?, resided in Eau Claire, researched by Tim Dowling
1877 - ?, resided in Eau Claire, researched by Tim Dowling
D Surnames
- DARROW, 1866 - now, resided in
Fall Creek, researched by Judy
Hall Austin
- DAVIDSON, 1891 - 1922, resided
in Eau Claire, researched by Elizabeth C. Strumpell
- DEAN, 1863 - ?, resided in
Brunswick Township, researched by Mary Jennifer Dean
- DELAMATER, ~1888 - now, resided
in Wilson Township, researched by Linda D'Lamatter Killian
- DENISON, dates unknown, resided
in Lincoln & Bridge Creek Townships, researched by David Elbert
- DERRY, 1894 - 1955, resided in
Thompson Valley & Augusta, researched by Mina Gumieny
- DET(T)LOFF, 1850 - 1880,
resided in Eau Claire, researched by Betty Boyd
1891 - 1893, resided in Eau Claire, researched by Tim Dowling
- DIAMOND, 1860 - 1870, resided
in Bridge Creek, researched by Judy Diment Ferguson
- DICKENS, 1858 - now, resided in
Eau Claire, researched by Ben Tharaldson
dates unknown, resided in Eau Claire, researched by Phil Waste
- DIMENT, 1860 - 1870, resided in
Bridge Creek, researched by Judy Diment Ferguson
- DIMOND, 1860 - 1870, resided in
Bridge Creek, researched by Judy Diment Ferguson
- D'LAMATTER, ~1888 - now,
resided in Wilson Township, researched by Linda D'Lamatter Killian
- DOBRENZ, 1890 - 1910, resided
in Augusta, researched by Sally Powers-Alertz
- DONALDSON, 1865 - 1920, resided
in Altoona, researched by Gary Donaldson
- DOOLITTLE, 1890 - 1930, resided
in Eau Claire, researched by John Buck
- DOREY, 1870 - ?, resided in Eau
Claire, researched by Suzy Sims
- DORGAN, 1897 - 1986, resided in
Eau Claire, researched by Shirley Dorgan
1884 -, resided in Eau Claire, researched by Tim Dowling
- DRAEGER, dates unknown, resided
in Brackett, researched by Bob
& Dian Epp
- DRAKE, 1860 - 1940s, resided in
Eau Claire Township, researched by Susan Drake
- DROEGE, 1880 - 1930s, resided
in Eau Claire, researched by Steven
D. Koehler
- DRURY, 1850 - now, resided in
Eau Claire, researched by Murphy's
- DUCOMMUN, ? - 1996, resided in
Eau Claire, researched by Angela
- DUESTERBECK, 1924 - now,
resided in Eau Claire, researched by Wayne Duesterbeck
- DUFFY, 1880 - ?, resided in
Porterville & Eau Claire, researched by Karen Duffy
- DUHIG, 1870 - 1920, resided in
Half Moon, W. Eau Claire & Eau Claire, researched by Brian (Duhig) Duffy
- DUNHAM, 1890s - 1930s, resided
in Eau Claire, researched by Dale M. Payne
- DUNNE, 1889 - 1940, residence
unknown, researched by Bill
E Surnames
- EATON, 1850 - now, resided in
Augusta, Eau Claire & Ludington Township, researched
by Ann F.
- EATON, 1800 - now, resided in
Ludington & Eau Claire, researched by Terri Woodford
- EATON, ? - 1893,
resided in Eau Claire, researched by Cheryl Jeanne Comer
- ECKLAND, 1881 - 1930, resided
in Eau Claire, researched by Carol
- EDINGTON, 1860 - 1931, resided
in Eau Claire & Otter Creek, researched by N Sampson
- ELBERT, dates unknown, resided
in Lincoln & Bridge Creek Townships, researched by David Elbert
- ELLINGSTAD, 1920s - 1970s,
resided in Eau Claire, researched by James
- ELLIS, 1877 - 1945, resided in
Eau Claire, researched by Norman
- ELWELL, 1806 - 1920s, resided
in Eau Claire, researched by Bob
- EPP, 1923 - 1960, resided in
Brackett, Washington Township & Altoona, researched by Bob & Dian Epp
- ERDMAN, 1867 - ?, resided in
Lincoln Township, researched by Carol Fletty
- ERIKSON, 1880 - now, resided in
Eau Claire, researched by Betsy
- ESTENSEN, 1881 - 1899, resided
in Drammen Township, researched by Arne Nestegard
F Surnames
- FERCH, dates unknown, resided in Fall
Creek, researched by Jean
1868 - 1933, resided in Eau Claire, researched by Phil Waste
- FISHER, 1890s - now, resided in Union
Township, researched by Brent Redmond
- FLETTY, 1887 - ?, resided in Eau Claire,
researched by Carol Fletty
- FLEURY, 1880 - now, resided in Eau
Claire, researched by tra8945
- FLYNN, 1862 - now, resided in Eau Claire
& Union Township, researched by Joanne Krause
- FORD, 1880 - 1910, resided in Eau
Claire, researched by Karen Duffy
- FREDERICK, 1910 - ?, resided in Eau
Claire, researched by Kenee
Kaye Campo
- FREDRICH, dates unknown, resided in Fall
Creek, researched by Jean
- FREEMAN, 1900 - ?, resided in Eau
Claire, researched by Sandra
- FRINK, 1904 - ?, resided in Eau Claire
Co., researched by Keith Lange
- FROELING, 1889 - 1976, resided in Eau
Claire, researched by Dale M. Payne
- FROHLING, 1889 - 1976, resided in Eau
Claire, researched by Dale M. Payne
- FROLING, 1889 - 1976, resided in Eau
Claire, researched by Dale M. Payne