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1938 Eau Claire High School Commencement Program also see the 1938 Eau Claire High School Graduates Donated by Bob Tobin Commencement
of Eau Claire Senior High School ![]() Friday, June 3,1938 8 :00 O'Clock City Auditorium
Processional ---------------------------------------------------High School Orchestra Invocation --------------------------------------------------------Rev. Herbert Juneau Salutatorian -------------------------------------------------------------- Amy Arnold "The Finishing Line" Piano Solo ----------------------------------------------------------------Sybil Olson Chopin's Waltz E Minor Salutatorian -----------------------------------------------------------George Garman "We Stand on the Threshhold" Bass Solo -----------------------------------------------------------Spencer Ahneman Invictus Huhn Salutatorian ---------------------------------------------------------------John Loether "Result of Effort" Girl's Quartet -----Open Now the Gates------------------------------ Beatrice La Brie Norma Zank, Miriam Goff, Maxine Enge Valedictorian ------------------------------------------------------------Stuart Brooks "Our Life in the Making" Tenor Solo ----------------------------------------------------------------Lyman Elliot Oh, When She Rose--from Martha Valedictorian ----------------------------------------------------------------Ray Ender "Hills Behind; Mountains Ahead" Valedictory and Salutatory Medals -----------------------------------Prin. S. G. Davey National Honor Society --------------------------------------------Mr. A. L. Anderson Service Medals -------------------------------------------------------Miss Mable Regli Presentation of Department Awards ----------------------------------Miss Ruth Waters Trombone Solo -----------------------------------------------------------John Loether At Dawning Presentation of Class ----------------------------------------------Supt. Alvin T. Stolen Presentation of Diplomas -----------------------------------------Mr. Lawrence J. Riley Class Songs ---------------------------------------------------------------------Seniors "Dear Old Senior High" -- Words, Eleanor Peterson; Music, J. Loether "We Part Our Ways" --- Word and Music, Harry Williams Recessional -----------------------------------------------------High School Orchestra Class
------------------------------------------------------------Azure Blue
and Gold
Class Flower ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Carnation Class Motto ---------------------------------------------------Hills Behind, Mountains Ahead
Class Officers
Ray Ender
Steve Hempelman
Vice President Stuart Brooks Treasurer John Hancock Business Manager Bill Sanford
Honor Society
Irene Brandon
John Loether
Stuart Brooks Jack Garnett Kathryn Oie Jane Comings Dorothy Graves Sybil Olson Ray Ender Ned Guilford Reed Schlieve George Erickson Wallace Johnson Dorothy Smail Hattie Frisbie Alice Lewis Marion Svengaard La Rue Thompson
Ray Ender George Garman Beatrice La Brie Stuart Brooks Pearl Johnson Kathryn Oie Amy Arnold Alice Lewis Audrey Watson John Loether Jane Comings Florence Smith
Physics Ralph Evans Languages Ray Ender Chemistry Donald White Debate Jane Comings Biology Mahala Studt Agriculture George Erickson Art Dale Krammes Journalism Harry Williams Speech Ned Guilford Music John Loether Mathematics Amy Arnold Commercial Pearl Johnson Vocational Donald Johnson English Steve Hempelman Home Economics Betty Legge History Ralph Fish Athletics Athletics Boys, Don Seguin Dramatics Reed Schlieve Girls, Lorraine Brazeau
Class Advisers
Mr. John
E. Johnson
Arthur L. Anderson
Miss Mable
Mr. Oliver Skalbeck
Mr. John Haig
Miss Marie Davis Director of Dress Miss Janet Johnston Director of Instrumental Music Mr. Donald I. Boyd Director of Vocal Music Mr. J. Albert Keith Director of Class Play Mr. Oliver Skalbeck |
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