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1884 Eau Claire City Directory
Alphabetical Listing of Names
for the City of Eau Claire
Names beginning
with "T"
- TAFT, Joel, carpenter, res 210 S Farwell.
- TALBOT, Miss Ophelia A, res n s Bridge 2
w of Third ave.
- TANDE, Ole, laborer Valley Lumber Co,
res cor Water and Seventh ave.
- TANNER, Henry F, shipping clerk Eau
Claire Lumber Co, res 573 Dewey.
- TAPLIN, George L, laborer Valley Lumber
- TARLDSON, John P, carpenter, res 523
- TARRANT, Annannias, furniture Chippewa
Falls, res 440 Lake.
- TARRANT, James H, engineer "G E Porter"
steamer No 2, rooms engine house.
- TARRANT, Thomas, foreman Empire Lumber
Co, res 1010 S River.
- TASKER, Carrie E (wid Enoch), res 811 S
- TATE, Elmer, pressman C B Walworth, bds
Riverside Restaurant.
- TATE, Lincoln, teamster Sherman Lumber
Co, res w s Fourth 2 n of Maple.
- TATE, Thomas A, laborer, res n s
Washington 3 e of S Dewey.
- TAUBER, Joseph, salesman Eau Claire
Grocer Co, bds Galloway House.
- TAYLOR, Archie, laborer, bds Hart House.
- TAYLOR, Mrs Ella, boarding house s e cor
First ave and Lake, res same.
- TAYLOR, Frank F, carpenter, res 532
- TAYLOR, George A, carpenter, res s e cor
First ave and Lake.
- TAYLOR, James P, saloon 204 S Barstow,
res 703 S Barstow.
- TAYLOR, John, laborer, res 613 Water.
- TAYLOR, Joseph, laborer D Shaw Lumber
co, bds n s Chippewa bet Eighth and Ninth.
- TAYLOR, Robert, machinist W C R R, res
529 Germania.
- TEALL, Fred A, law student, bds 103
- TEALL, George C, Lawyer and County Judge
107 Kelsey, res 103 Rowland.
- TEALL, Wm A, General Insurance and Loan
Agent Music Hall Block, res 1009 S Farwell.
- TEARSE, Wm P, superintendent of Eddy
Mill, Empire Lumber Co, res 328 Broadway.
- TELFORD, Francis, laborer, bds 108
- TELFORD, George, laborer, res 108
- TELFORD, Miss Mary A, bds 108 Catherine.
- TELFORD, Richard, mill hand Sherman
Lumber Co, bds company's boarding house.
- TELFORD, Robert J, laborer, bds 108
- TELFORD, Thomas G, laborer, bds 108
- TELLER, Peter P, tailor A Nyquist, res
802 Market.
- TELSTAD, Rolf, clerk S E Brimi, bds 419
manager, 310 S Barstow.
- TEMPLE, Harry M, clerk McMaster,
Snodgrass & Co, bds n e cor Fourth ave and Water.
- TENNANT, Lincoln, clerk W B F Hyde, bds
Eau Claire House.
- TENNIS, Charles, laborer Valley Lumber
- TENNIS, Helga, domestic 108 Bellinger.
- THAYER, Nancy V (wid Horatio G), bds 207
- THEBERT, Louis, teamster Sherman Lumber
Co, res n s Cameron 1 w of Fourth.
- THE DAILY LEADER, Leader Publishing Co
Proprietors, Fourth ave bet Water and Niagara.
- THE FAMOUS, A Kahn & Co
Proprietors, Dealers in every thing except Groceries 315 S Barstow.
- THE WEEKLY LEADER, Leader Publishing Co
Proprietors, Fourth ave bet Water and Niagara.
- THINES, Charles, laborer, res 413
- THOEN, Henry B, bartender A Knutson, bds
- THOM, Ole P, laborer, bds n s Niagara 4
w of Eighth ave.
- THOMAS, Evan Q, traveling agt C St P M
& O Ry, res n e cor Galloway and Dewey.
- THOMAS, George W (F Sandborg &
Co and T W Thomas & Co), res 929 Third ave.
- THOMAS, Hiram P, carpenter, res 802 S
- THOMAS, Joseph L, laborer Eau Claire
Lumber Co, res e s Cochran 3 n of Summit ave.
- THOMAS, Richard (Wm H Thomas &
Bro), bds 602 Menomonee.
- THOMAS, Stephen W, scaler, res 116 Mappa.
- THOMAS, Thomas W (T W Thomas &
Co), res 1007 Fifth ave.
- THOMAS, T W & CO (Thomas W and
George W Thomas), Insurance Agents S River opposite Postoffice.
- THOMAS, Wm H (Wm H Thomas &
Bro), res 602 Menomonee.
- THOMAS, WM H & BRO, Boilermakers
nr N Shaw's Foundry, Shawtown.
- THOMELSON, Frank, bricklayer, bds 420
- THOMPSON, Alexander, laborer Eau Claire
Lumber Co, res 843 Main.
- THOMPSON, Andrew, laborer D Shaw Lumber
Co, bds company's boarding house.
- THOMPSON, Annie, domestic 227 Broadway.
- THOMPSON, Bertha, domestic 614 Galloway.
- THOMPSON, David A, teamster, res 121
- THOMPSON, Dora, domestic 1120 S River.
- THOMPSON, Miss Dora, dressmaker Mrs D H
Fort, bds n s Eau Claire 1 e of Doty
- THOMPSON, Eric, laborer, res n s William
1 e of N Barstow.
- THOMPSON, George, miller Eau Claire
Lumber Co's flour mill, bds 20 Eau Claire.
- THOMPSON, George T, Cashier Bank of Eau
Claire, res 1218 S Farwell.
- THOMPSON, Gretta, domestic s w cor
Gilbert ave and S River.
- THOMPSON, Gunder (Holm &
Thompson), bds Eau Claire House.
- THOMPSON, G Tabor, Druggist 215 S
Barstow, res 812 S River.
- THOMPSON, Ing, deliveryman Williams
& Williams, rooms 314 S Barstow.
- THOMPSON, Jacob, salesman Williams
& Williams, res 434 Hudson.
- THOMPSON, John, overseer Owen Lumber Co,
res East Shawtown.
- THOMPSON, John, laborer Eau Claire
Lumber Co, res n s Galloway nr Hobart.
- THOMPSON, Lena, domestic 1232 Menomonee.
- THOMPSON, Lorentz (G Larson &
Co), res 430 Water.
- THOMPSON, Martin, foreman Valley Lumber
Co, res n w cor Chippewa and Seventh ave.
- THOMPSON, Martin, laborer, bds w s
Talmadge 2 n of Jones.
- THOMPSON, Mary, domestic 321 Bridge.
- THOMPSON, Nels, driver Wm A Rust, bds
- THOMPSON, Nettie, domestic 510 Niagara.
- THOMPSON, Ole, clerk Currie &
DeYarman, res n s Dewey 2 e of Madison.
- THOMPSON, Ole, laborer, bds n s William
1 e of N Barstow.
- THOMPSON, Ole, laborer, bds 562 Franklin.
- THOMPSON, Ole, saloon, cor Dewey and
Madison, res same.
- THOMPSON, Thomas, carpenter, res 539
- THOMPSON, Thomas, packer Eau Claire
Lumber Co flour mill, res 1016 Second ave.
- THOMPSON, Thomas, laborer, res 562
- THOMPSON, Thomas, laborer Eau Claire
Lumber Co, bds 413 Madison.
- THOMPSON, Thomas Jr, laborer, bds 560
- THOMPSON, Walter, foreman Eau Claire
Lumber Co's flour mill, res 29 Eau Claire.
- THOMPSON, Wm, bds cor Oxford ave and
- THOMPSON, Wm S, res 110 Broadway.
- THOMSON, Hugh J, barber, s e cor Fifth
ave and Chippewa, bds J Wesley Knapp.
- THORBERG, Andrew, fireman C M &
St P Ry, res w s Franklin nr Madison.
- THORN, Joseph, laborer, bds Ritzinger
- THORNBY, Lena, domestic 417 N Barstow.
- THORP, Joseph G, pres Eau Claire Lumber
Co, res s w cor Gilbert ave and State.
- THRANE, Arthur D H, physician 303 S
Barstow, res n e corner Bridge and Fifth ave.
- THRANE, Victor, student, bds n e cor
Bridge and Fifth ave.
- THRONSTAD, Annie, domestic dor Bridge
and Third.
- THURSTON, Wellington L, contractor Eddy
Mill, bds Empire Lumber Co's boarding house.
- THWING, Joseph W, carpenter, res w s
Third nr River.
- TIBBETTS, Miss Jessie, teacher Eau
Claire Kindergarten, bds same.
- TIBBITS, Millard, teamster Eau Claire
Lumber Co, res city limits nr Birch.
- TICKNER, Miss Florence, teacher North
Side High School, bds 811 S Dewey.
- TIGHE, Ole, clerk S J Smith, bds Hart
- TILLER, Peter, tailor Horrigan &
Rankin, res 802 Market.
- TILSON, Miss Louise, dressmaker Miss E B
Olson, bds s s Chippewa 3 e of Sixth ave.
- TILSON, Miss Nellie, dressmaker Miss E B
Olson, bds s s Chippewa 3 e of Sixth ave.
- TILSON, Rudolph, teamster, res s s
Hudson 3 w of Seventh ave.
- TILTON, Robert, carpenter, res s s
Hudson 2 w of Fifth ave.
- TIMMINGS, George H, finisher Eau Claire
P & P Co, res city limits nr Birch.
- TIMMINGS, John, laborer, bds James
- TINKER, John T, Building Mover 602 S
Farwell, res same.
- TINKER, Miss Lizzie T, teacher East Side
High School, bds 602 S Farwell.
- TISLOW, Jennie, domestic 821 Water.
- TOBEY, Charles E, clerk Cass &
Tracy, rooms 212 S Barstow.
- TOBEY, Milan G, farmer, res n w cor
First ave and Niagara.
- TOBIN, John, foreman, bds Pacific Hotel.
- TOBIN, Wm H, painter, res w s Putnam 5 n
of Madison.
- TOEFTS, Wm, laborer, res n s Beach 2 e
of Whipple.
- TOFTE, Engebret H, laborer, res s s
Broadway 4 w of Eighth ave.
- TOLBERT, John, foreman D Shaw Lumber Co,
bds Star House.
- TOLENSON, George, laborer Westville
Lumber Co, bds company's boarding house.
- TOLIVER, Frank M, teamster A D McNeil,
bds same.
- TOLLES, Charles L, bookkpr Phoenix Mnfg
Co, res cor Elm and Forest.
- TOLLES, DeWitt G, bookkpr T W Thomas
& Co, res 609 N River.
- TOLOFSON, Nels, laborer, bds 511 Madison.
- TOMER, Jeremiah, laborer, bds Hart House.
- TONOR, James, setter Empire Lumber Co,
bds company's boarding house, Eddy Mill.
- TOOHEY, Jeremiah, scaler, bds 605
- TORBERG, Andrew, freight agt, res w s
Franklin 8 n of Madison.
- TORGESON, Knud (Torgeson &
Amot), bds John C Olsen.
- TORGESON & AMOT (Knud Torgeson,
Andrew Amot), saloon s w cor Wisconsin and Barstow.
- TORKELSON, Andrew, laborer Valley Lumber
Co, res 924 Water.
- TORNESON, Eldra, domestic 1222 Menomonee.
- TORREY, George R, filer Valley Lumber
Co, res s s Niagara 3 w of Fourth ave.
- TORSEN, Minnie, domestic 704 Menomonee.
- TORSETH, Thomas, laborer Eau Claire
Lumber Co, res 406 Doty.
- TOUSLEY, Mrs Ella E, dressmaker e s
Babcock 2 n of Beach, res same.
- TOWERS, John, teamster Eau Claire Lumber
Co, res e s Dodge 1 s of Jones.
- TOWNE, Frederick A, salesman Eau Claire
Lumber Co, res 204 Mappa.
- TOWNSEND, John W, lumberman, res 634
- TOYERSON, Peter, lumberman, bds
Scandinavian House.
- TRABANT, August, confectionery s s
Menomonee nr Tenth ave, res same.
- TRACY, Andrew L (Cass & Tracy),
res 505 S Barstow.
- TRANSTED, Louis, laborer Empire lumber
Co, bds company's boarding house, Eddy Mill.
- TRASK, Warren G, carpenter, res n w cor
Fourth and Maple.
- TRAYNOR, Maggie, domestic 313 Gray.
- TRECOTT, Wm H, laborer, bds cor Third
and Vine.
- TRESIDDER, Rev John, pastor Lake Street
M E church, res 431 Lake.
- TRESTRAIL, Robert M, car accountant C St
P M & O Ry, res n e cor Summit ave and Cochran.
- TRETLEIN, Lizzie, domestic Farwell House.
- TRETLEIN, Pauline, domestic Farwell
- TROKY, Joseph, laborer, res w s Mill 2 n
of Price.
- TROMBLEY, Angeline (wid Jeremiah), res
cor Fourth and Vine.
- TROUSTAD, Ole, painter, bds n e cor
Seventh ave and Hudson.
- TROW, Charles J (Trow & Son),
rooms 312 Water.
- TROW, Lee C, clerk Trow & Son,
rooms 312 Water.
- TROW, Warren B (Trow & Son), res
Duluth Minn.
- TROW & SON (Warren B and Charles
J), grocers 312 Water.
- TRUAX, Jacob, bds 814 Second ave.
- TRUAX, Peter, lumberman, res 814 Second
- TRUE, John, carpenter, bds s e cor First
ave and Lake.
- TRYSTAD, John, hostler D Shaw Lumber Co,
bds company's boarding house.
- TUBBS, Wales (Tubbs & Dunphy),
res 838 Menomonee.
- TUBBS & DUNPHY (Wales Tubbs,
Cash Dunphy), livery 765 First ave.
- TUFTE, Nels, shoemaker 429 Galloway, res
- TUKE, Andrew, laborer Dennis Cody, bds
Empire Lumber Co's boarding house, Eddy Mill.
- TUKE, Frederick, laborer Dennis Cody,
bds Empire Lumber Co's boarding house, Eddy Mill.
- TUNNER, Konrad, carpenter, bds 432 Water.
- TURGESON, John, lumberman, res 406
Eighth ave.
- TURISON, Annie, domestic n e cor Fourth
ave and Broadway.
- TURNER, Frank L, bridge carpenter, bds
cor Beach and Mill.
- TURNER, George, laborer, bds H L Turner.
- TURNER, George W, laborer, bds Ritzinger
- TURNER, Huldah L, (wid Uriah), res n s
Water 3 e of Third ave.
- TURTUM, John J, laborer, res e s Erin 1
n of Division.
- TUSKER, Frank M, laborer, res 542
- TUSKER, John, fireman, bds 524 Germania.
- TYNDALL, A F, shoemaker A J Faast, bds
Binder House.
transcribed from the 1884 Eau Claire City Directory, R. L. Polk
& Co.