Databases > Directories >
1884 Eau Claire City Directory
Alphabetical Listing of Names
for the City of Eau Claire
Names beginning
with "S"
- SACK, Christian, laborer C St P M
& O Ry, res e s Hobart 4 n of Huyssen.
- SACKETT, Eldred E, miller C F Mayhew,
bds s e cor First ave and Lake.
- SAGENDORF, Albert, carpenter West Side
Mnfg Co, res s s Water 5 e of Tenth ave.
- SAGINAW HOUSE, P J Bolin Proprietor, 211
S Barstow.
- ST PETER, Peter, saloon 248 Water, res
- SALEVKE, Adolph, tailor Herman Schultze,
bds same.
- SALSBURY, James F, Law and Real Estate
Office Kleiner's Blk 406 Water, res n e cor Chippewa and Sixth.
- SALVESON, Ole, wagonmaker A Mattison,
bds same.
- SALY, Elmer, laborer, bds 512 Hobart.
- SAMPLE, Wm, carpenter, bds s s Central 1
w of Oxford ave.
- SAMPSON, Augusta, domestic 919 Porter
- SAMPSON, Miss Lilly, bds 321 Niagara.
- SAMPSON, Thomas, grocer 549 Franklin,
res same.
- SAMUELS, Charles J, cashier C M
& St P Ry, res 616 Wisconsin.
- SAMUELSON, Jacob, laborer, bds
Scandinavian House.
- SAMUELSON, John, laborer Eau Claire
Lumber Co, res w s N Barstow 4 n of Elm.
- SANBORN, Margaret (wid Daniel), res s s
Price 2 w of Whipple.
- SANDBORG, Frithjof (F Sandborg &
Co), rooms 205 N Barstow.
- SANDBORG F & CO (FRithjog
Sandborg, George W Thomas), Druggists and Apothe- caries 205 N Barstow.
- SANDELL, John, butcher Anderson
& Polson, bds 305 Galloway.
- SANDERS, Amelia, domestic 640 Niagara.
- SANDERS, James S, carpenter, res n s
Fulton 4 w of Sixth ave.
- SANDMAN, Henry, teamster Eau Claire
Lumber Co, bds company's boarding house.
- SANDVALD, Ole, lumberman, bds Wisconsin
- SANDYS, Frank, general commission
merchant 407 S Barstow, res 709 S Farwell.
- SAND, Ole E, laborer, res 218 Galloway.
- SANTRY, Daniel, laborer Empire Lumber
Co, bds company's boarding house, Eddy Mill.
- SAREN, Ole, laborer Phoenix Mnfg Co, res
rear of 420 Mill.
- SARZIN, Frank, lumberman, res 442 Water.
- SATHER, Andrew, laborer, res s s Water 1
e of Eighth ave.
- SATHER, Ole, laborer, res n s Barland 2
e of Talmadge.
- SATHER, Robert, clerk A H Hollen, res
501 N Barstow.
- SAUNDERS, Adelbert W, printer C B
Walworth, rooms 312 S Barstow.
- SAUNDERS, Miss Mary, teacher North Side
Branch School, bds 616 Wisconsin.
- SAUNDERS, Wesley, printer, bds s w cor S
River and Earl.
- SAUPE, Frank C, harness maker F W Saupe,
bds 219 S Farwell.
- SAUPE, Frederick W, harnessmaker 215 S
Barstow, res 219 S Farwell.
- SAWYER, Charles S, teamster, res 612
First ave.
- SCALLON, Hugh V, physician 409 Galloway,
res 648 Wisconsin.
- SCAMMON, Daniel R, scaler, bds 239 Lake.
- SCAMMON, George W, contractor, res 639
- SCAMMON, Robert A, carpenter, res 605
proprs, cor Galloway and N Farwell.
- SCENDEL, Andrew, laborer, bds w s Mill 5
n of Price.
- SCENDEL, Charles, brewer, res w s Mill 5
n of Price.
- SCHABAKER, Franz, laborer Eau Claire
Lumber Co, res e s Forest 2 s of Huyssen
- SCHAEFER, Daniel, merchant tailor 309
Kelsey, res 304 S Farwell.
- SCHAEFER, Henry D, laborer, res 524
- SCHAEFER, H J A, Register of Deeds
County Court House, res 306 Chippewa.
- SCHAEFER, Miss Ida, clerk Register of
Deeds, bds 306 Chippewa.
- SCHAEFER, Mrs Caroline, hair goods 301 S
Farwell, res same.
- SCHAFER, Daniel, tailor, res 304 S
- SCHAFER, Henry, mason, res 301 S Farwell.
- SCHAFER, Henry T, wagonmaker Girnau
& Dohrman, bds 301 S Farwell.
- SCHAFER, John W, cigarmaker Edward Ruhe,
bds 301 S Farwell.
- SCHAFF, Louis, porter Eau Claire House,
rooms 314 Gibson.
- SCHAIBLE, Frederick, teamster Phoenix
Mnfg Co, res s s Wisconsin 2 e of Forest.
- SCHAIRNAN, Jacob, laborer Phoenix Mnfg
Co, res s e cor Bellinger and Spruce.
- SCHARLOU, Annie, domestic 533 Water.
- SCHEFF, Frank, laborer Dennis Cody, res
nr Eau Claire P & P Co's mill.
- SCHILLEY, Arnold, laborer, res s s
Hudson 5 w of Seventh ave.
- SCHIMIAN, Joseph, carpenter, res 601
- SCHLATTER, Frank, laborer, res 965
- SCHLEG, John, works Ritzinger House.
- SCHLEGELMILCH, Miss Amelia, bds 517 S
- SCHLEGELMILCH, Miss Dora, bds 517 S
- SCHLEGELMILCH, Herman, Shelf and Heavy
Window Glass, Putty, Paints, Oils, Building Paper, Farming Tools, Guns,
Pistols, Powder, Etc. 217 S Barstow, res 517 S Farwell.
- SCHLEGELMILCH, Herman Jr, clerk Herman
Schlegelmilch, bds same.
- SCHLEGELMILCH, Miss Louisa A E, teacher
East Side High School, bds 517 S Farwell.
- SCHLEGELMILCH, Rudolph, clerk Herman
Schlegelmilch, bds same.
- SCHLEITING, Charles, peddler, res 323
- SCHLENTINGER, Augusta, domestic cor
Price and Bellinger.
- SCHLICHTING, Mary, sorter Eau Claire P
& P Co.
- SCHLOSSER, Christ, clerk Miller
& Huebener, res n w cor Forest and Elm.
- SCHLOSSER, George, foreman Eau Claire
Free Press, res rear 1218 S Farwell.
- SCHLOSSER, Matthew, clerk Miller
& Huebener, bds C Schlosser.
- SCHMIDT, August, saloon n s N Barstow
bet Wisconsin and Madison, res n s Wisconsin 3 e of N Barstow.
- SCHMIDT, John, laborer Eau Claire Lumber
Co, res e s Putnam 2 s of Birch.
- SCHMIDT, Louis, saloon 208 S Barstow,
res 403 S Farwell.
- SCHMIDT, Nicholas, laborer Gas Light Co,
res cor Beach and Bellinger.
- SCHMIDT, Peter, ice peddler, bds 435
- SCHMITT, Mathias, laborer, res n w cor
Spruce and Whipple.
- SCHMITT, Mathias Jr, butcher, bds n w
cor Spruce and Whipple.
- SCHMITZ, John, laborer, bds 402 Doty.
- SCHMITZ, Joseph, clerk Joyce &
Owens, bds 402 Doty.
- SCHMITZ, Mary (wid John), res 404 Doty.
- SCHMITZ, Michael, sawyer Eau Claire
Lumber Co, res n s Main 1 w of Doty.
- SCHMITZ, Nels O, laborer D Shaw Lumber
Co, bds s s Menomonee 1 e of Crescent rolling mill.
- SCHMITZ, Nicholas, laborer, bds 402 Doty.
- SCHMITZ, Wm, clerk H C Schwahn, bds 830
- SCHNEIDER, Henry, blacksmith Girnau
& Dohrman, bds 613 Germania.
- SCHNEIDER, John, saloon e s Wisconsin
bet N Farwell and Barstow, res e s Erin 4 s of Birch.
- SCHNEIDER, Margaret (wid Martin), res e
s Germania 2 n of Birch.
- SCHMITTKE, August, carpenter, res w s
Erin 3 n of Birch.
- SCHOLTES, John, laborer Eau Claire
Lumber Co, res cor Whipple and Vine.
- SCHREIBER, Wm, laborer C St P M
& O Ry, res e s Hobart 3 n of Huyssen.
- SCHREIBER, Wm, laborer, res rear 508 N
- SCHROEDER, August, mason, res 515 Dewey.
- SCHROEDER, August (Radensleben &
Schroeder), res 410 S Farwell.
- SCHROEDER, Fritz, blacksmith Girnau
& Dohrman, bds Peter Girnau.
- SCHROEDER, J Henry, machinist, res s e
cor Huyssen and N River.
- SCHULENBURG, Richard, vice pres Eau
Claire Lumber Co, res St Louis, Mo.
- SCHULER, Christian, laborer, res cor
Third and Maxon.
- SCHULNER, Anton, lumberman, res w s
Germania 6 n of Birch.
- SCHULSER, Anton, carpenter, bds
Scandinavian House.
- SCHULTZ, Amos, carpenter, res w s
Randall 2 e of Mappa.
- SCHULTZ, Mrs. Mary, res 311 S Farwell.
- SCHULTZ, Oscar, clerk A A Cutter, bds
311 S Farwell.
- SCHULTZE, Herman, merchant tailor n w
cor N Farwell and Wisconsin, res same.
- SCHULZ, Gustave, carpenter, res s w cor
Eighth ave and Broadway.
- SCHUMACHER, Mary, domestic n e cor S
Farwell and Rowland.
- SCHUMACHER, Sophie, domestic Mrs. Ida
- SCHUSLER, Charles F, salesman D Shaw
Lumber Co, bds company's boarding house.
- SCHUSLER, Miss Sadie, dressmaker, bds
Second ave 2 s of Fulton.
- SCHUSTER, Miss Bertha, teacher East Side
High School.
- SCHUTT, Magnus C, laborer City Ry Co,
res 1019 Third ave.
- SCHWAHN, Albert F (H Schwahn &
Bros), bds 921 Second ave.
- SCHWAHN, Fred C (H Schwahn &
Bros), res 923 Second ave.
- SCHWAHN, Henry C (H Schwahn &
Bros), res 835 Prospect.
- SCHWAHN, H & BROS (Henry C, Fred
C and Albert F Schwahn), Meat Market 412 S Barstow and 213 N Barstow.
- SCHWAHN, Rudolph, foreman Wm Schwahn
& Co, bds 923 Second ave.
- SCHWAHN, Wm (Wm Schwahn & Co),
res 406 S Farwell.
- SCHWAHN, WM & CO (Wm Schwahn, M
E O'Connell),
Manufacturers and Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Saddles, Harness,
Collars, Etc, and Agents for all kinds of Society Goods and Uniforms
403 S Barstow.
- SCHWARTZ, John, laborer, res e s Forest
4 n of William.
- SCHWETBERGER, Englebert, tailor, res 549
- SCHYDLOVSKI, Michael, laborer Eau Claire
Lumber Co, res 124 Bellevue ave.
- SCKOW, Anton, laborer, bds 640 Galloway.
- SCKOW, Ole, clerk, bds 640 Galloway.
- SCOTT, Andrew, mason, res 320 Babcock.
- SCOTT, James R, res 716 Menomonee.
- SCOTT, Mrs. Lucy M, res 320 Babcock.
- SCOTT, Mary A (wid James M), res 716
- SCOTT, Samuel, saloon n e cor Water and
Seventh ave, res 834 Water.
- SCOTT, Wm, horse trainer, res S River 1
n of Gibson.
- SEAGER, John, barber Martin Page, rooms
n e cor Water and Fourth ave.
- SEAMAN, Charles A, engineer Lakeside
Grain Co, res w s Ninth ave 1 n of Niagara.
- SEARLE, Mary, waitress 111 Bridge.
- SEARLS, Marvin, teamster Eau Claire
Lumber Co, bds 130 N Barstow.
- SEARLS, Samuel W, millwright Empire
Lumber Co, res Eddy Mill.
- SEARS, Miss C Edna, librarian Free
Library and Reading Room, bds 717 S River.
- SEARY, John, cigarmaker Hinrichs
& Hartman, bds 416 N Barstow.
- SEATON, Anton, laborer, bds Ritzinger
- SEAVER, Miss Kate L, bds 417 Seaver.
- SEAVERS, Carl, laborer Empire Lumber Co,
res s s Chippewa 2 w of Fifth ave.
- SEAVERSON, Samuel, laborer Eau Claire
Lumber Co, res w s Putnam 6 n of Birch.
- SEAWARD, Elbert I, engineer West Side
Mnfg Co, res 832 Menomonee.
- SEBARBERL, Hermine, domestic 144 Niagara.
- SEBENTHAL, Mary (wid Charles), bds 927
Second ave.
- SEBOLT, Herman, butcher Stone &
Warren, bds 909 Fifth ave.
- SECHEL, Joseph, watchmaker, bds Star
- SEDERHOLM, Charles V, carpet weaver cor
Price and Bellinger, res same.
- SEE, Wm, hostler Mrs. A Smith, bds 616 S
- SEEM, Andrew, carpenter, bds 429 Hobart.
- SEIELSTAD, Miss Mary, seamstress Quirk
Sisters, bds cor First ave and Chestnut.
- SEIP, Wm E, supt Eau Claire Gas Co, res
613 S River.
- SENEY, James H, carpenter W J Seney, bds
Daniel McBeath.
- SENEY, Wm J, blacksmith n e cor First
ave and Ann, bds Daniel McBeath.
- SENEY, William T, bartender W H Hall,
bds n e cor Wisconsin and Farwell.
- SERTIS, Fanny, domestic Eau Claire
House, bds same.
- SETTER, Ole, laborer Valley Lumber Co,
bds company's boarding house.
- SEVENTHRAL, Frank, traveling agt, res
cor Oxford ave and Central.
- SEVER, Wm, teamster D Shaw Lumber Co,
bds E Shawtown.
- SEVERSON, Bessie, domestic 1128 State.
- SEVERSON, Miss Carrie, bds 914 First ave.
- SEVERSON, Clara, domestic 1113 S Barstow.
- SEVERSON, Edward, carpenter, res 220
- SEVERSON, Elizabeth, domestic 640
- SEVERSON, Ole, laborer Valley Lumber Co,
bds company's boarding house.
- SEVERSON, Sacare, painter, res s w cor
Lake and Sixth ave.
- SEVERSON, Samuel, machinehand Phoenix
Mnfg Co, bds n w cor Hobart and Wisconsin.
- SEVERSON, Thomas, fireman Valley Lumber
Co, bds Menomone nr company's yard.
- SEWELL, Jennie, waitress Galloway House.
- SEWELL, Wm, laborer Westville Lumber Co,
bds Menomonee, Shawtown.
- SEWELL, Wm, laborer, bds 115 Bridge.
- SEWERS, Annie, waitress Galloway House,
bds same.
- SEXES, Hans, laborer, res s s Menomonee
2 e of Ninth ave.
- SEXTON, Daniel, laborer, bds Ritzinger
- SEYBERTH, George, butcher H Schwahn
& Bros), bds 412 S Barstow.
- SEYBERTH, Leonard (H Schwahn &
Bros), bds 921 Second ave.
- SEYBOLD, John, barber Albert Halvorson,
bds Nicollet House.
- SEYBOLD, Mary, domestic 12 15 Menomonee.
- SEYBOLD, Wm J, manager R A Zuehlke, bds
Nicollet House.
- SHAGER, Miss Annie, clerk Holm &
Thompson, bds Skandinavian Hotel.
- SHAKER, Lars, foreman Empire Lumber Co,
res n s Water 3 e of Sixth ave.
- SHANE, Dorsey, packer D Shaw Lumber Co,
bds Menomonee, Shawtown.
- SHANE, Edgar J, packer D Shaw Lumber Co,
bds Menomonee, Shawtown.
- SHANE, Frank, laborer, Valley Lumber Co,
bds company's boarding house.
- SHANE, Isaac H, teamster D Shaw Lumber
Co, res Menomonee, Shawtown.
- SHANE, Matthew, laborer Valley Lumber
Co, bds company's boarding house.
- SHANNON, Edward, laborer, bds Nicollet
- SHANNON, James, laborer, bds Star House.
- SHAPLEIGH, Richard W, scaler Eau Claire
Lumber Co, rooms company's office.
- SHARP, Henry, driver H C Putnam, bds
- SHARPE, Thomas, laborer Eau Claire
Lumber Co, bds H Upper Red Row.
- SHARPIE, Delia, nurse, bds Star House.
- SHARPLEY, Richard, lumberman, res 211
- SHAVER, L, Principal Eau Claire Business
College, Postoffice Blk, bds Eau Claire House.
- SHAW, Benjamin R, bds n s Bridge 3 e of
Fifth ave.
Eugene Shaw, Vice President; Geo B Shaw, Secretary; D H Ferguson,
Treasurer; C S Newell, Superintendent; Manufacturers Lumber, Lath and
Shingles, Planing Mill, Farming and General Merchandise, and
Proprietors Crescent Roller Flour Mills, Shawtown.
- SHAW, Duncan, laborer, res 225 Chippewa.
- SHAW, Miss Emma F, bkkpr N Shaw's
foundry, bds 734 Menomonee.
- SHAW, Eugene, vice pres Daniel Shaw
Lumber Co, res 1354 Menomonee.
- SHAW, Frank, laborer, bds n e cor
Chippewa and First ave.
- SHAW, Frank, student bds 734 Menomonee.
- SHAW, George B, Secretary D Shaw Lumber
Co, Board of
Trade and Eau Claire Pulp & Paper Co, Secretary and Treasurer
Claire City Railway Co, Eau Claire Water Power Co, and Eau Claire
Chilled Plow Co, and Local Manager Wisconsin Telephone Co, res 1354
Menomonee, Shawtown.
- SHAW, James S, foreman Phoenix Mnfg Co,
res 304 Babcock.
- SHAW, Miss Lenora, bds n s Bridge 2 e of
Fifth ave.
- SHAW, Lorin, lumberman, res East 1 s of
Menomonee, Shawtown.
- SHAW, Mary A (wid Noah), res 734
- SHAW, Nellie (wid Henry), bds Menomonee,
- SHAW, Noah (N Shaw & Co), res
Menomonee nr Empire Lumber Co's office.
- SHAW, N & CO, Proprietors Eagle
Iron Works, foot Island ave e of C V & S Ry's tracks.
- SHAW, Samuel, carpenter N Shaw's
foundry, bds Menomonee.
- SHAY, Cornelius, laborer, bds Kneer
- SHAY, James, hostler Clements &
Lytle, bds Kneer House.
- SHAY, Maggie, domestic Second ave 2 s of
- SHEA, Andrew J, cook, res 627 Broadway.
- SHEA, Hans, laborer, bds w s Bellinger 2
n of Randall.
- SHEA, James, mason, res cor Mill and
- SHEA, Joseph, laborer, bds cor Mill and
- SHEPARD, Elvira (wid Serenuns), res s s
Summit ave 6 3 of Putnam.
- SHEPARD, Frederick, bartender F E
Whitwam, bds same.
- SHEPLEY, George, painter 421 Chippewa,
res same.
- SHEPLEY, Miss Jennie, music teacher, bds
429 Chippewa.
- SHERER, Sanford T, shoemaker, res 430
- SHERMAN, Arthur M, lumberman, res n w
cor Second ave and Lake.
- SHERMAN, Arthur S, student, bds n w cor
Second ave and Ann.
- SHERMAN, Miss Bertie, res s w cor
Gilbert ave and State.
- SHERMAN, Bradley B, mason, res cor
Babcock and Beach.
- SHERMAN, Charles F, gas-fitter, res s e
cor Fifth and Congress.
- SHERMAN, Georgie (wid Stanley), rooms
667 Wisconsin.
- SHERMAN, George H, fireman D Shaw Lumber
Co, res E Shawtown.
- SHERMAN, Henry J, nightwatchman Crescent
roller mill, res s s Menomonee nr Ninth ave.
- SHERMAN, James S, works Sherman Lumber
Co, bds company's boarding house.
- SHERMAN, John L, boarding house 824
- SHERMAN, John S, res n w cor Gilbert ave
and State.
- SHERMAN, Louis, millman, bds w s
Bellinger 2 n of Randall.
- SHERMAN LUMBER CO, J G Thorp, President;
Sherman, Vice President; S W Chinn, Secretary and Treasurer; office 403
S Barstow; boarding house s e cor Cameron and Fifth.
- SHERMAN, Miss Mallie, bds 1206 First ave.
- SHERMAN, Miss Nellie, student, bds s w
cor Gilbert ave and State.
- SHERMAN, Ole, laborer Eau Claire Lumber
Co, res Main nr city limits.
- SHERMAN, Oluf, shoemaker 122 S Barstow,
res 717 Gray.
- SHERMAN, Miss Stella, telegraph
operator, bds e s Farwell 2 s of Kelsey.
- SHERMAN, Webster, clerk G B Chapman
& Co, res 1226 S River.
- SHERMAN, Willard B, student, bds s w cor
Gilbert and State.
- SHERPY, Henrietta (wid Randolph), res n
end of N Farwell.
- SHERTER, Adam, laborer Westville Lumber
Co, bds Menomonee, Shawtown.
- SHERWIN, Edward E, driver American
Express Co, bds 315 Lake.
- SHERWIN, Mrs. Elizabeth B T, teacher
Garfield School, res 315 Lake.
- SHERWIN, John C, res 315 Lake.
- SHIMIEN, Jacob, machinist Phoenix Mnfg
Co, res Bellinger 4 n of Randall.
- SHINE, Wm, laborer, res 217 Bellinger.
- SHIRLEY, Ole, tailor, res n e cor
William and N Barstow.
- SHIRPEY, Charles, deliverer Frank
Basener & Co, bds s s N Farwell nr Oak.
- SHOEMAKER, Ira, supt water works C St P
M & O Ry, bds Railroad Hotel.
- SHUBERT, John, shoemaker s s Chestnut 2
e of Sixth ave, res same.
- SHULL, Wm, laborer, bds Terry Mullen.
- SHULTZ, (see Schultz).
- SHUTE, Benjamin T, supt of construction
C St P M & O Ry, res 1104 First ave.
- SHUTE, Edgar R, engineer C St P M
& O Ry, bds 1104 First ave.
- SHUTE, Miss Emily, bds 1104 First ave.
- SHUTE, Frank, carpenter C St P M
& O Ry, bds 1104 First ave.
- SHUTE, John E (Shute & Evans),
rooms n e cor Galloway and Dewey.
- SHUTE, Miss Marion, bds 1104 First ave.
- SHUTE & EVANS (John E Shute, N E
Evans), General
Commission Merchants and Dealers in Produce, Fruits, Poultry, Game,
Etc, 320 Gibson.
- SHYLLEN, Nels P, carpenter, res 995
- SIBBERN, Axel, laborer D Shaw Lumber Co,
bds company's boarding house.
- SIBERT, Harvey, woodman, bds 1101 Sixth
- SIEBOLD, Herman, butcher, bds 909 Fifth
- SIEGEL, John, laborer Westville Lumber
Co, bds Menomonee, Shawtown.
- SIGNOR, Eugene, brickmaker, bds s e cor
First ave and Lake.
- SIGNOR, Eugene, bartender, bds 201 Water.
- SILKE, Hulda, domestic 218 S Farwell.
- SILVER, Annie, domestic 1004 Third ave.
- SIME, Thomas M, Homeopathic Physican and
Surgeon 409 Water, bds 324 Fourth ave.
- SIMENSEN, Ole, laborer, bds 413 Talmadge.
- SIMERSON, Elisha D, filer D Shaw Lumber
Co, bds Menomonee, Shawtown.
- SIMES, George, laborer Owen Lumber Co,
bds company's boarding school.
- SIMMS, Andrew, clerk J R Campbell, bds
cor Fifth ave and Chippewa.
- SIMON, Mathias, laborer Eau Claire
Lumber Co.
- SIMONDS, Alexander, grocer 701 S
Barstow, res Binder House.
- SIMONDSON, Maggie, domestic Nicollet
- SIMONS, Charles H, carpenter, bds n s
Niagara 2 e of Second ave.
- SIMONS, Daniel P, Real Estate Postoffice
Blk, res n e cor Hudson and Third ave.
- SIMONS, Eben N, carpenter, res n s
Niagara 2 e of Second ave.
- SIMONSON, Betsey (wid Hans), res 509
- SIMONSON, Christian, laborer Eau Claire
Lumber Co, res 421 N Barstow.
- SIMONSON, Ida, domestic, n s Hudson 2 w
of Sixth ave.
- SIMONSON, Michael, wood, res 710 Market.
- SIMONSON, Simon, laborer, res 421 Forest.
- SIMPSON, Alexander, works Eau Claire P
& P Co, bds Nicollet House.
- SIMPSON, Carrie, domestic L D Sullivan.
- SIMPSON, Jacob, laborer Eau Claire
Lumber Co.
- SIMPSON, Nathaniel K, laborer Eau Claire
Lumber Co, bds company's boarding house.
- SIMPSON, Samuel, bds Nicollet House.
- SIMS, Edward, carpenter, res s s Madison
1 e of Putnam.
- SIMS, George, laborer, bds Ritzinger
- SINGER, John, laborer Owen Lumber Co,
bds company's boarding house.
Manager, 415 S Barstow.
- SINK, Wm, engineer Koch & Pulle,
res n e Cor Birch and Erin.
- SIPELL, Joseph, butcher Frank Basener
& Co, res e s Forest 1 n of Elm.
- SIVERSON, Peter, laborer, bds 611
- SKAMFER, Thron, laborer D Shaw Lumber Co.
- SKAMSER, Alexander (Skamser Bros), res
Hobart House.
- SKAMSER, Bertha (wid Eric), res w s
Hobart 2 n of Wisconsin.
- SKAMSER BROS (Edward and Alexander),
proprs Hobart House n w cor Hobart and Wisconsin.
- SKAMSER, Christian, propr Norway House
514 N Barstow.
- SKAMSER, Edward (Skamser Bros), res
Hobart House.
- SKAMSER, George, machineland Phoenix
Mnfg Co, bds Wisconsin cor Hobart.
- SKAMSER, Thomas, clerk, bds Bertha
- SKATWOLD, Ole, laborer, bds Nicollet
- SKATVOLD, Thomas C, laborer, res 223
- SKEELS, Herbert S, mason, res 517
- SKEELS, Stephen, carpenter, res 214 S
- SKERITT, Patrick, laborer Eau Claire
Lumber Co, res bet company's water mill and Madison.
- SKINNER, Francis R, Physician 617 S
Barstow, res same.
- SKINNER, Wm D, laborer, res s s Broadway
3 w of Eighth ave.
- SKOG, Angus, blacksmith Phoenix Mnfg Co,
bds Svea Hotel.
- SKOGSTAD, Ole, laborer Empire Lumber Co,
res s s Oak 1 w of N Barstow.
- SKOR, Andrew, plasterer, res 504 Kelsey.
- SKOTVOLD, Isaac, laborer, bds n s Market
1 w of Seventh ave.
- SKOTVOLD, Ole, laborer Valley Lumber Co,
bds n s Market 1 w of Seventh ave.
- SKRINDE, Rolf, laborer Eau Claire Lumber
Co's farm, bds same.
- SLAGSVOLD, Torvold, laborer, res 623
- SLATTE, Louis, laborer Valley Lumber Co,
res cor Water and Ninth ave.
- SLINGLUFF, Henry, reporter Daily Free
Press, bds 317 S Farwell.
- SLINGLUFF, Levi, res 317 S Farwell.
- SLITER, Norman H, canvasser, res n s
Wisconsin 2 e of N Barstow.
- SLOAN, Miss Sadie, dressmaker Mrs D H
- SLOGGY, Charles, night coachman Galloway
House, bds same.
- SLOGGY, Edward E, painter Eau Claire
Lumber Co, res 1006 Madison.
- SLOGGY, Harrison, carpenter, res 1004
- SLYE, Miss Mary B, ass't principal East
Side High School, bds 418 Emery.
- SMEBERG, Axel, millhand, res n w cor
Fourth and Cedar.
- SMEBERG, Emil, carpenter, res n w cor
Fourth and Cedar.
- SMITH, (See also Schmidt).
- SMITH, Absolom, lumberman, res w s Fifth
ave 2 n of Chippewa.
- SMITH, Albert (George W Smith &
Co and Smith Bros), res 1230 S River.
- SMITH, Miss Amy, bds 1230 S River.
- SMITH, Andrew, bartender Wisconsin
House, bds same.
- SMITH, Mrs. Annie, livery 124 S River,
res 616 S Barstow.
- SMITH, Arthur D (George W Smith
& Bro and Smith Bros), res 1238 S River.
- SMITH BROS (Arthur D & Albert
Smith), groceries and provisions 209 S Barstow.
- SMITH, Charles, laborer Eau Claire
Lumber Co.
- SMITH, Daniel R, laborer, res n s Summit
7 e of Putnam.
- SMITH, Frank, laborer Empire Lumber Co.
- SMITH, Frank A, printer M W Burns, res
419 Oxford ave.
- SMITH, George W (George W Smith
& Bros), res 820 S River.
W, Arthur D and Albert), China, Crockery and Glassware 312 S Barstow.
- SMITH, Henry K, laborer, res 374 Water.
- SMITH, Herbert W, student, bds n e cor
Farwell and Emery.
- SMITH, Hulda, domestic 503 S River.
- SMITH, Ida, cutter Eau Claire P
& P Co.
- SMITH, James M, dentist, res 610
- SMITH, John, barber Lafayette Laird, bds
420 Galloway.
- SMITH, John, carpenter, res 222 Hobart.
- SMITH, John, cutter Eau Claire P
& P Co, res Forest nr Williams.
- SMITH, John A, grocer n w cor S Barstow
and Seaver, rooms same.
- SMITH, John H, lockmaster Dell
Improvement Co, res nr Eau Claire P & P Co's mill.
- SMITH, John O, engineer Phoenix Mnfg Co,
res w s Third 4 n of Maple.
- SMITH, John S (Davis & Smith),
res 1205 S River.
- SMITH, Joseph, laborer, res 701 S
- SMITH, Katie, laundress, bds 904 First
- SMITH, Miss Katie, seamstress Quirk
Sisters, bds Eastern Man's Home.
- SMITH, Lewis R, bartender, bds Hart
- SMITH, Lewis R, laborer, bds Star House.
- SMITH, Liceuvia B (wid James), bds 315
- SMITH, Miss Maria A, cashier Kepler
& Co, bds 317 S Farwell.
- SMITH, Mary, domestic n s Niagara 2 w of
Fourth ave.
- SMITH, Mary A (wid Matt), boarding house
202 Gray.
- SMITH, Michael, laborer Eau Claire
Lumber Co.
- SMITH, Michael S, manager M A Smith, res
616 S Barstow.
- SMITH, Miss Nellie M, student, res 126
Gilbert ave.
- SMITH, Nettie, domestic Dell 3 n of
Menomonee, Shawtown.
- SMITH, Nicholas, laborer, res cor Beach
and Bellinger.
- SMITH, Paul, laborer Eau Claire P
& P Co.
- SMITH, Mrs Sarah, bds 526 Franklin.
- SMITH, Silas, actor, bds Star House.
- SMITH, Stephen E, real estate, bds
Galloway House.
- SMITH, Stillman J, grocer 114 Kelsey,
res 603 S Farwell.
- SMITH, Theresa (wid John), res s w cor
Forest and Huyssen.
- SMITH, Thomas, mason, bds 420 Galloway.
- SMITH, Thomas (Wm M Smith & Co),
res 126 Gilbert ave.
- SMITH, Wesley, clerk, bds Hart House.
- SMITH, Wm, lumberman, bds 122 Broadway.
- SMITH, Wm H, general store 420 S
Barstow, res 719 S Farwell.
- SMITH, Wm H, sec Valley Lumber Co, res
Eau Galley, Wis.
- SMITH, Wm M (Wm M Smith & Co),
res 132 Gilbert ave.
- SMITH, WM M & CO (Wm M and
Thomas Smith), loggers 312 S Barstow.
- SMITH, W J, laborer, bds Ritzinger House.
- SNEEN, Andrew N, laborer, res 642
- SNODGRASS, F Earl (McMaster, Snodgrass
& Co), res w s East 4 n of Menomonee, Shawtown.
- SNYDER, Charles H, mason, res 627
- SNYDER, Henry, laborer D Shaw Lumber Co,
bds company's boarding house.
- SNYDER, Josie, domestic 711 S River.
- SNYDER, Wm, millhand Eau Claire Lumber
Co, bds 627 Wisconsin.
- SODERBERG, John, painter, bds cor
Chestnut and Mappa.
- SOLBERG, Andrew, laborer, bds Svea Hotel.
- SOLBERG, Caspar F, clerk H J Hanson
& Co, res n e cor William and Barstow.
- SOLBERG, Edward, civil engineer
Woodbury's engineer corps, rooms River opp Postoffice.
- SOLBERG, Esten, carpenter, bds s s
Wisconsin 1 w of Hobart.
- SOLBERG, Hans, laborer, bds Hans
- SOLBERG, John, laborer, bds Svea Hotel.
- SOLBERG, Oscar A H, teamster Eau Claire
P & P Co, bds s e cor Huyssen and Forest.
- SOLBERG, Otto, laborer, bds Svea Hotel.
- SOLBERG, Sarah (wid Berti), bds 429
- SOLDAHL, Andrew, laborer Valley Lumber
Co, res Chippewa nr city limits.
- SOLDAHL, Martin, laborer Valley Lumber
Co, res n s Chippewa bet Sixth and Seventh aves.
- SOLE, Julius, carpenter, res e s Putnam
8 s of Birch.
- SOLEM, Nels, laborer Phoenix Mnfg Co,
res n s Price.
- SOLEY, Anton L, laborer Valley Lumber
Co, bds N Doty nr Dodge.
- SOLEY, Hans O, edger Valley Lumber Co,
bds company's boarding house.
- SOLEY, Martin, porter G B Chapman
& Co, res w s N Barstow nr Madison.
- SOLEY, Martin O, laborer Valley Lumber
co, bds company's boarding house.
- SOLUM, Andrew, laborer Valley Lumber Co.
- SOLYUM, Andrew, laborer W L Thurston,
bds Empire Lumber Co's boarding house, Eddy Mill.
- SOMERVILLE, Mark, machinist, bds East
- SOMMERCORN, Charles, teamster, res 413
- SOMMERCORN, Lizzie, sorter Eau Claire P
& P Co, bds 413 Whipple.
- SOMMERMYER, Mary (wid Henry), res 515 N
- SORBEE, Jacob, laborer, res 212 Galloway.
- SORBERG, Ole, laborer, res e s Bellinger
2 s of Cameron.
- SORBY, Jacob, laborer C M & St P
Ry, res n s Galloway e of Hobart.
- SORENSON, Hans, boilermaker, res e s
Forest 2 e of Elm.
- SORENSON, Hans, blacksmith N Shaw's
foundry, res 502 Niagara.
- SORENSON, Tena, chambermaid Windsor
- SORLIE, Edward, laborer Wilson Lumber
Co, bds Esten Sorlie.
- SORLIE, Esten, laborer Eau Claire Lumber
Co, res s s Oak 1 w of N Barstow.
- SORLIE, Ole, laborer Eau Claire Lumber
Co, bds Esten Sorlie.
- SORNSEN, Matilda (wid Harold), res n s
Madison 2 w of N Farwell.
- SORSTAD, Edward, shingle packer, bds n s
Niagara 4 w of Eighth ave.
- SORSTAD, Jennie M (wid Christian O), res
n s Niagara 4 w of Eighth ave.
- SORSTAD, Gustav, laborer, bds n s
Niagara 4 w of Eighth ave.
- SORTOMME, Ole R, laborer Eau Claire
Lumber Co, res rear 505 Kelsey.
- SORUM, John, laborer Eau Claire Lumber
- SOSTED, Edward, laborer Dennis Cody, bds
Empire Lumber Co's boarding house, Eddy Mill.
- SOSTED, Gustave, works Empire Lumber Co,
bds company's boarding house, Eddy Mill.
- SOULA, Jennie, domestic 331 Niagara.
- SOUTHMAGE, Byron, laborer Sherman Lumber
Co, res n e cor Eighth and Cameron.
Alexander Meggett pres, E W Allen sec, J F Ellis treas, 113 Kelsey.
- SPALDING, Orlando D, carpenter, res 304
- SPAULDING, Aurelia (wid John), res 416
- SPAULDING, Charles W, lumberman, res
1018 S River.
- SPARKS, George W, laborer, res 528
- SPENCER, Selbin J, painter Coxen
& Kemp, bds Farwell House.
- SPERB, Wm, line repairer C St P M
& O ry, res n e cor Dewey and Birch.
- SPERSTED, Nels E, laborer Valley Lumber
Co, bds cor Chippewa and Sixth ave.
- SPERSTED, Ole, laborer Valley Lumber Co,
bds Chippewa nr city limits.
- SPIRL, John, bricklayer, res 211 Whipple.
- SPOONER, James, scaler Valley Lumber Co,
bds Pacific Hotel.
- SROKE, Julius, works Empire Lumber Co,
bds company's boarding house, Eddy Mill.
- STABEFELDT, Robert, laborer, bds 836
- STACKPOLE, John, lumberman, bds American
- STAFFORD, Harvey G, painter, res 1011
Fifth ave.
- STAFFORD, Nancy A (wid Henry G), res 432
- STAFSWIG, Regna, domestic 414 Jones.
- STANFORD, Edmund D, carpenter, bds Mappa
2 n of Chestnut.
- STANG, Frederick, civil engineer, res
112 First ave.
- STANG, Hans, laborer, res e s Second ave
5 n of Fulton.
- STANG, Martin, laborer, res e s Second
ave 5 n of Fulton.
- STANNARD, Charles L, molder Eau Claire
Chilled Plow Co, bds Pacific Hotel.
- STANNARD, Harvey, laborer, res n s
Madison 2 w of Forest.
- STANTON, Miss Alice, compositor Daily
Free Press, bds 840 Chippewa.
- STANTON, Mrs Cordelia, res 840 Chippewa.
- STANTON, Miss Della, seamstress, bds 840
- STANWICK, Amund, laborer, res w s N
Farwell 2 n of William.
- STANWICK, Tora, carpenter, bds 528 N
- STANZAUS, Andrew, painter O Ness, bds
112 Bridge.
- STAPLETON, Thomas, lumberman, bds
American House.
- STAR HOUSE, Gallagher & Gort
Proprietors 510 Galloway.
- STARKWEATHER, Rev Charles S, rector
Christ Church, rooms 503 S Farwell.
- STARRS, Henry, lumberman, bds American
- STARRS, Robert, lumberman, bds American
- STAV, Betsy, boarding house w s N Dewey
3 s of Madison.
- STAVRUM, Miss Belle, bds 428 Hudson.
- STEARNS, Henry G, patternmaker Eau
Claire Chilled Plow Co, res 809 Chippewa.
- STEARNS, M E, painter, res w s Third ave
nr river.
- STEARNS, Theodore, cook, res 1016 Oxford
- STEEN, Louis, laborer, res s s Water 2 w
of Eighth ave.
- STEENBOCK, Julius (Weil &
Steenbock), bds Eau Claire House.
- STEIER, Frank, carpenter, res 147 Water.
- STEIN, Jorgen, laborer, res s e cor
Babcock and Spruce.
- STEIN, Max S (Stein & Levy), res
111 Emery.
- STEIN, Michael, ice dealer 435 Hobart,
res same.
- STEIN, Minnie, dressmaker H Sylvester,
bds Jorgen Stein.
- STEIN & LEVY (Max S Stein, Louis
Levy), dry goods cor Barstow and Gibson.
- STEINFELDT, Albert, barber under Eau
Claire House, res 220 Wisconsin.
- STEINHAUER, Mrs. Anna, res n w cor N
Farwell and William.
- STEINHAUER, John, laborer C St P M
& O Ry, res 530 N Farwell.
- STEINHAUER, Louis, clerk Larson
& Johnson, bds n w cor William and N Farwell.
- STENDA, Hans, laborer, bds Scandinavian
- STENDA, Ole, laborer, bds Scandinavian
- STENE, Louis, laborer, res 809 Water.
- STENE, Ole, laborer, bds 18 Menomonee.
- STENSAAS, Ole, carpenter, bds 429 Hobart.
- STEUNICK, Parker, laborer Valley Lumber
Co, bds company's boarding house.
- STEPHENS, (See also Stevens).
- STEPHENS, Mrs. bds 606 Water.
- STEPHENS, John, laborer, bds Hart House.
- STEPHENS, Nicholas, laborer Eau Claire
Lumber Co, res 616 Franklin.
- STETLER, Christ, laborer Eau Claire
Lumber Co.
- STETT, Mary, domestic Edward Ruhe.
- STEUBING, Miss Emma, compositor The
Daily Leader, bds 220 Wisconsin.
- STEVENS, (See also Stephens).
- STEVENS, Alfred H, hides, etc, 769 First
ave, res n e cor Barstow and Rowland
- STEVENS, Miss Annie, seamstress, bds 834
Oxford ave.
- STEVENS, Miss Ellen, seamstress, bds 834
Oxford ave.
- STEVENS, Frederick, lather, bds Binder
- STEVENS, Ida, domestic 838 Oxford ave.
- STEVENS, Lucy (wid George A), bds n e
cor S Barstow and Rowland.
- STEVENS, Mary, seamstress, bds 834
Oxford ave.
- STEVENS, Sarah (wid Thomas), res 834
Oxford ave.
- STEVENS, W E, agricultural implements n
e cor Second ave and Bridge, res
Washington township.
- STEWART, Charles E, plasterer, bds
Nicollet House.
- STEWART, David, lumberman, res 659
- STEWART, Freeman, laborer, res n e cor
Fifth ave and Broadway.
- STEWART, F S, plasterer, bds Nicollet
- STEWART, Ira C, sawyer Valley Lumber Co,
res s s Niagara 2 e of Seventh ave.
- STEWART, James, lumberman, res cor
Babcock and Cameron.
- STEWART, John, gardener, res East 1 s of
Menomonee, Shawtown.
- STEWART, John A, res s s Elizabeth 1 n
of Second ave.
- STEWART, John B, bds 615 Niagara.
- STEWART, John I, cook Eau Claire House,
res 320 Gibson.
- STEWART, Stephen G, real estate, res 615
- STEWART, Thomas P, filer Empire Lumber
Co, res Eddy Mill.
- STEWART, Wm E, laborer, bds cor Babcock
and Cameron.
- STICKNEY, Robert J, laborer Empire
Lumber Co, bds company's boarding house, Eddy Mill.
- STIEMKE, Alvina, domestic 923 Second ave.
- STIEPANIE, Frank, machinist C St P M
& O Ry, res s e cor Erin and Birch.
- STILES, Gustavus O, contractor 206
Bellinger, res same.
- STILLINGS, Almon, carpenter, res s s
barland 2 e of Talmadge.
- STILLWELL, James A, carpenter Valley
Lumber Co.
- STOCKBRIDGE, Adelia (wid Henry), bds
John H Stockbridge.
- STOCKBRIDGE, John, clerk Lomis Parish,
bds same.
- STOCKER, John, carpenter, res e s Erin 2
s of Birch.
- STOCKHAUSEN, Herman (Runge &
Stockhausen), res 130 N Barstow.
- STOCKING, Hobert M (J B & H M
Stocking), res 1247 S River.
- STOCKING, John B, U S Internal Revenue
service 312 S Barstow, rooms same.
- STOCKING, J B & H M (John B and
Hobert M), Real Estate and Pine Lands 312 S Barstow.
- STOCKS, Wm C, plasterer, res n s Lake 2
e of Sixth ave.
- STOCKWELL, Elbert, foreman Brown
& Nichols, res e s Dewey 3 s of Emery.
- STOCKWELL, Hamilton, filer, res 524
- STOCKWELL, Wallace L, laborer, bds 524
- STOEDECLUGH, Dora, domestic s e cor
Galloway and Broadway.
- STOEPPLER, Ida (wid John), confectionery
104 Kelsey, res same.
- STOETEKLUH, Gerhard, laborer, bds F
- STOETEKLUH, Frederick, agt, res w s
Hobart 2 n of Oak.
- STOGELUH, Mary, domestic Central Hotel.
- STOLP, Julius E, saloon 411 Kelsey, res
- STONE, Austin D, carpenter, res 721
- STONE, David M, laborer, res n w cor
Fifth ave and Hudson.
- STONE, Ellen, domestic Eau Claire House,
bds same.
- STONE, George W (Stone &
Warren), res n s Newton 2 e of Farwell.
- STONE, Henry W, laborer Westville Lumber
Co, bds company's boarding house.
- STONE, Ira, laborer Westville Lumber Co,
bds company's boarding house.
- STONE, James, Saloon and Boarding House
128 S Barstow, res same.
- STONE, John, laborer Eau Claire Lumber
Co, bds 2 Price.
- STONE, John, peddler, bds Star House.
- STONE, Michael, laborer C St P M
& O Ry, res cor Oak and N Barstow.
- STONE, Thomas, traveling agt Eau Claire
Grocer Co, res Menomonee City.
- STONE & WARREN (George W Stone,
George Warren), meat market 401 S Barstow.
- STORE, James, laborer, bds Pacific Hotel.
- STORER, Truman G, auctioneer C White
& Co, res 1108 S Barstow.
- STORSETH, Sivert, polisher W F Cook, bds
712 Market.
- STOUCH, Charles A, ass't cashier Eau
Claire National Bank, res n s Rowland 2 w of Wilcox.
- STOUT, Silas, laborer, res s s Maple 3 w
of Third.
- STOVA, David, laborer C St P M &
O Ry, res rear 508 N Farwell.
- STOVA, Frederick, laborer C St P M
& O Ry, res rear 508 N Farwell.
- STRAIGHT, Charles, setter Valley Lumber
Co, res Tenth ave bet Chippewa and Water.
- STRAIGHT, George, sorter Pioneer Lumber
Co, res w s Talmadge 1 n of Jones.
- STRAIGHT, Joseph L, setter Valley Lumber
Co, res Tenth ave bet Chippewa and Water.
- STRAIGHT, Len, laborer, res Alley bet
Chippewa and Water nr Tenth ave.
- STRAND, Olaf, clerk Neil J McIntyre, bds
w s First ave 5 s of Beach.
- STRAUM, Charles, laborer Valley Lumber
Co, bds company's boarding house.
- STRICKLAND, Charles L, mill hand, bds
mill boarding house.
- STRONG, Charles E (Farr &
Strong), res 1120 S River.
- STRONG, Charles G, Physician, res 1120 S
- STRUM, Hans, carpenter, res w s Division
5 n of Division.
- STRUM, Louis, machinist Eau Claire
Lumber Co, res w s Dewey 4 s of Madison.
- STRUM, Louis E, real estate, bds s w cor
Oak and Hobart.
- STUART, (See also Stewart).
- STUART, George, conductor C M &
St P Ry, bds Eau Claire House.
- STUEVER, Frederick, laborer C St P M
& O Ry, res w s N Farwell nr Leinenkugle's brewery.
- STUEWER, Miss Minnie, dressmaker Mrs
Mollie Moessner, bds F Stuever.
- STUMM, Jacob (Van Hovenberg &
Stumm), res 416 Babcock.
- STUMM, Peter, salesman McVicar &
Barnes, res e s R R track 2 n of Randall.
- STURM, Balthasar, carpenter, res n s C M
& St P Ry 1 w of N Barstow.
- STUSSY, Alexander, cigarmaker J Derge
& Bro, res 614 N Barstow.
- SULDOL, Andrew, filer, bds n s Chippewa
2 e of Seventh ave.
- SULDOL, Christian, laborer, bds n s
Chippewa 2 e of Seventh ave.
- SULDOL, Martin, laborer, bds n s
Chippewa 2 e of Seventh ave.
- SULDOL, Miss Mary, bds n s Chippewa 2 e
of Seventh ave.
- SULDOL, Ole, laborer, res n s Chippewa 2
e of Seventh ave.
- SULE, Edward, carpenter, bds Paul
- SULLIVAN, Charles J, laborer C St P M
& O Ry, bds P E Sullivan.
- SULLIVAN, Charles L, clerk L M Vilas,
bds n w cor Emery and Barstow.
- SULLIVAN, Daniel, laborer Eau Claire
Lumber Co, bds Robert Sullivan.
- SULLIVAN, Daniel D, laborer Eau Claire
Lumber Co, res 419 N Barstow.
- SULLIVAN, Florence D, Agent C St P M
& O Ry, bds Galloway House.
- SULLIVAN, George, laborer, bds w s
Babcock 2 s of Randall.
- SULLIVAN, George A, clerk Saginaw House,
bds same.
- SULLIVAN, James, laborer, res w s
Babcock 2 s of Randall.
- SULLIVAN, John, fireman, bds 416 N
- SULLIVAN, Leonard D, machinist D Shaw
Lumber Co, res n w cor Emery and S Barstow.
- SULLIVAN, Lewis E, machinist D Shaw
Lumber Co, bds n w cor Emery and Barstow.
- SULLIVAN, Mary, domestic n s Emery 1 w
of S River.
- SULLIVAN, Nathan, laborer Eau Claire
Lumber Co, res 419 N Barstow.
- SULLIVAN, Patrick E, laborer C St P M
& O Ry, res e s Putnam 3 n of Madison.
- SULLIVAN, Richard, blacksmith E L Lyon,
bds same.
- SULLIVAN, Robert, laborer Eau Claire
Lumber Co, res bet company's water mill and Madison.
- SULLIVAN, Timothy, laborer, bds K Upper
Red Row.
- SUMMERMYER, Charles W E, res 703 S
- SUMMERMYER, Miss Charlotte V, bds 703 S
- SUNDA, Ole, laborer, bds 413 Madison.
- SUNDAY, Christian, carpenter, bd
Scandinavian House.
- SUNDBERG, Edwin, laborer, bds Svea Hotel.
- SUNDBERG, Emil, lumber inspector Eau
Claire Lumber Co, bds 403 S Barstow.
- SUNDBERG, Frank, laborer, bds Svea Hotel.
- SUNDBERG, Louis, painter, res 430 Hobart.
- SUNDBY, Christian, laborer, res e s
Second ave 2 n of Fulton.
- SUNDQUIST, Edwin, laborer, bds Svea
- SURLE, John, laborer Eau Claire Lumber
Co, bds Paul Helverson.
- SUSSEY, Carl, laborer Empire Lumber Co,
res Shawtown.
- SUTHERLAND, Mary A (wid Alexander), bds
606 Water.
- SUTHERLAND, Peter, farmer, res n s
Niagara 4 w of Seventh ave.
- SVEA HOTEL, John Carlson Proprietor, 212
- SVEEN, Annie, domestic w s First ave 3 s
of Fulton.
- SVENSON, Andrew, laborer, res 216
- SVER, Lars, harnessmaker W Schwahn, bds
Scandinavian House.
- SWAGE, Andrew, hostler J H Noble, bds
- SWAN, Frederick S, blacksmith 212 S
River, res s s Gilbert 1 s of Barstow.
- SWAN, George, teamster L G Moon, bds
Myron Swan.
- SWAN, Myron, mason, res e s Putnam 2 n
of Birch.
- SWANSON, Charles, bartender C A Swanson,
bds 532 N Barstow.
- SWANSON, Charles A, saloon s w cor N
Barstow and Oak, res 532 N Barstow.
- SWANSON, Gena, domestic Mary Randall.
- SWANSON, Mary, domestic 820 First ave.
- SWANSON, Tillie, domestic s w cor
Gilbert ave and River.
- SWARTE, A D, carpenter C St P M
& O Ry, bds Railroad Hotel.
- SWASEY, Miss Carrie B, music teacher 814
S River, bds same.
- SWASEY, Frank U, music teacher 814 S
River, res same.
- SWASEY, True R, machinist, res 814 S
- SWEENEY, Patrick, laborer, bds Star
- SWENCK, Wm, laborer, res cor Third and
- SWENSON, Andrew, laborer, res w s First
ave 4 n of Elizabeth.
- SWENSON, John, laborer, bds n s Broadway
2 w of Seventh ave.
- SWIFT, Charles B, abstract of titles
News office S River, res cor Sixth ave and Fulton.
- SWIFT, Elijah, pine lands, logs and
lumber, Postoffice Blk, res 701 S River.
- SYKES, Robert, engineer Empire Lumber
Co, res Eddy Mill.
- SYLTA, Ole, cooper Eau Claire Lumber Co,
bds 411 Wisconsin.
- SYLVERSON, Ole, carpenter, bds
Scandinavian House.
- SYLVERSTON, Mary (wid Jacob), res 218
- SYLVESTER, Miss Hattie, dressmaker n w
cor N Barstow and Wisconsin, res same.
- SYPHER, Benson, scaler, bds Hart House.
- SYVERSON, Caspar, Dealer in Groceries,
Provisions, Flour, Feed, Etc, cor Wisconsin and Dewey, res same.
transcribed from the 1884 Eau Claire City Directory, R. L. Polk
& Co.